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Y/N L/N's Point of View

"This is all your fault!" I shouted at him, sending him a death glare.

"Me? I'm not the one who made a scene inside the coffee shop!" He replied back and looked at me also with those piercing, dull eyes of his.

What happened, you may wonder?

After shouting at this midget, the waiter threw us out of the establishment, saying, and I quote, "You two have broken the comfortable and calm atmosphere inside the coffee shop. Please don't come here ever again."

Great, now I just got banned from my favorite coffee shop because of this stupid, ill-mannered, and rude squat.

"But if you didn't have to act so childish, then I wouldn't get mad, won't I?" I clapped back, putting my hands on my waist defensively. How dare he put the blame on me? He's the one who spoiled me with the ending!

He rolled his eyes at me and walked in my direction, looking at me eye to eye, our faces inches from each other. He even squished my cheeks together with his right hand, making me look at him with no chance of turning my head away.

"Don't blame me for overreacting over something so little, brat." He said and flicked his finger in my forehead with his left hand and he let go of me.

"Ow! You fucking-" I started to shout again, gaining looks from the people passing by but then my phone rang loudly from my coat pocket.

I pulled it from my pocket and my breath hitched as I looked at the caller I.D with wide eyes.

Mom... ringing...

Should I answer?

Answering this will only worsen my mood today.

Maybe I shouldn't.

But it's mom, and she rarely calls me.

"Tsk. Fucking answer it, brat." The guy in front of me said but I paid him no mind.

I think he realized that I'm going through something because he kept his mouth shut after earning no response from me. With shaking hands, I pressed the green button to answer the call and brought the gadget to my ear.

Oh God, what is she going to say now?

[Y/N?] She asked me in a worried voice.

Wow, is she really worried about me?

"Y-Yes?" I asked with hesitation in my voice.

[Why did you take so long to answer? I thought something already happened to you.] She said and I smiled weakly for a little bit. So she does care about me... So I'm not actually dispensable to them.

So I am still their daughter.

"I'm sorry-" I answered but was interrupted by her tired voice.

[sigh Well, if you hadn't answered I would've lost my mind! Can you go check on your father's study and send the documents labeled as 11B to my email? It's very urgent, honey.]

My face fell.



She's worried about work, not me.

"Sure thing," I said coldly and dropped the call without letting her reply to me.

What will she reply? 'We miss you, honey'? As if that will happen. Maybe when hell freezes over.

If she seriously believes I would do it right away, she's fucking wrong.

Sighing, I sat down the stairs beside the establishment.

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