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Third Person's Point of View

"God! I thought there can be some kind of entertainment here. Looks like that potato girl is the only good thing around here." Y/N sighed and rested her hands on her nape. 

"Hey, Y/N! Aren't you going to head in?!" Jean asked, shouting feets away from her. After the incident with Connie, the cadets have been told to get inside to rest and sleep. But being the black sheep that she is, Y/N won't get inside like everyone else. She felt like she wanted to hang out with the stars, staring into space until she can't take the silence that's been enveloping her.

"Nah. Don't go around missing me too much, Jean. You still have three years to court me." Y/N said and winked at the boy, which made Jean flustered again. 'She's one of a kind', he thought.

Y/N walked outside, marveling the shining stars up ahead. She heard a grunt by the fire and looked over to see what's up. 

"I'm... finished." And she heard something or rather, someone fall into the ground.

"Eh? What do we have here? So you're still alive." Y/N snickered as she crossed her arms, looking at the girl. Sasha didn't reply, as she's too exhausted to reply. "Hey. I'm talking to you, kid." Y/N added.

Y/N heard a few footsteps, and a sniffing. She looked down to see the girl sniffing her nose.

"The hell?" Y/N said, confused. After a few sniffs, the girl opened her eyes and attacked the figure approaching. Y/N can't help but flinch to what's happened. It was peculiar, like seeing an animal go wild. It was magnificent and scary at the same time.

Turns out, the girl sniffed the food from the person walking towards them and attacked the food in her hands. The figure fell to the ground and Y/N went in an instant to help her out. She may be a bitch but not as always.

The blonde kid, the one who's smaller than Y/N, looked in horror as the girl realizes there's food in her mouth. "It's bread!"

"I'm sorry there isn't more. It's all I could take." The petite girl said. "Hey... hang on. You really should drink a little water first." She added. Sasha looked at her for a few moments and pulled her in a tight hug. "You're a goddess, aren't you?!"

"GLORY TO YOU!" Potato girl shouted at the top of her lungs. 'She shouldn't be that energetic after almost dying of exhaustion and starvation. Whatever suits her, I guess', Y/N thought. 

"You okay, kid?" Y/N asked and put out a hand to help the blonde one. The girl took her hand but before Y/N could ever pull her up, another woman came into view.

"Hey, just what are you two girls up to? Krista is mine!" She hurriedly went over to them and pulled the girl up, glaring at Y/N. "Oh. Very possessive, I see." Y/N smirked at the girl. 

'I don't know who this one is', she thought.

The woman glared at Y/N for a moment then shifted her attention to the blonde girl.

Sasha, thinking that the woman will take her food, munched furiously on her little snack.

"Well, uh... She's been running all day without any food or water." The girl explained. Y/N looked at the scene, curious to see how the woman will react. She looks like she doesn't express herself too. 

"I see... So you're trying to be nice, huh?" She said with an expressionless face.

'I like this girl.'

Krista looked shocked for a moment. Sasha, on the other hand, finished her food and collapsed. She almost hit the ground but Y/N held her up. 'She's so gluttonous'.

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