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Third Person's Point of View

"They're coming back already? What happened?" One of the townspeople gossiped, wondering why the expedition for outside the walls went quicker than usual.

"Dunno. But I bet they'll be bringing back another load of corpses with 'em." Another replied.

A woman with brown hair with two kids holding onto each of her hand listened out of curiosity, decided out of the blue to wait for the arrival of the Survey Corps in Calaneth district to see the survivors.

The mother had small hope in her that maybe she'll finally find the person she's been trying to find for years in the regiment that'll pass on their homes.

"Mom, aren't we leaving yet?" The boy asked her mother, who looked down at him with a small smile.

"Let's wait a while, okay?" 

Families of Eld, Oluo, Gunther, and Petra, waited patiently for their families to arrive.

Be it preparing food or gathering relatives to give welcome pleasantries for the soldiers.


The Survey Corps continued on their journey home, their thoroughbreds kicking their feet at a fast pace so the soldiers can get back home the soonest they can.

Mikasa's horse rode next to the wagon where Eren lied on while Y/N's horse ran alongside Levi's and Erwin's in the front.

There's no need for Y/N to ride on the back anymore as she's the only one left in her squad not including the captain.



Mikasa turned around, seeing two Titans chasing after two Survey Corps members on horse.

One of the men from the wagons stood up, recognizing who those two people were. "That's... Dieter!"

Dieter and his friend, risked their lives to get the body of their dead friend named Ivan despite the restriction Erwin and Levi gave him, and not minding the beating Y/N gave him.

"That idiot!" The member fired a red flare to notify the others of the approaching Titans.


"Titan spotted by the rear!"

Erwin turned to look back and spoke in gritted teeth. "Full speed!"

"I don't see any large trees or buildings. We can't fight freely out here." Levi acknowledged.

Y/N didn't bother looking, her anger might take control of her again.

Even if she doesn't know who brought those two Titans towards the formation, she knew who the hell they are.

After all, she knows that humans are weak-willed, letting their fervor alter their decisions and not use the logic their mind has.

She knows that once she saw those two reckless idiots, she wouldn't be able to control her own emotions and just give them another beating.

Y/N is an aggressive person, and it shows more than she should've let it.

"How about you just let those two idiots get eaten because they were too selfish? Tch." Y/N side commented, sarcastic about it.

Sure, she was angry.

But she won't really let two soldiers die for their love of their friend.

"Fleeing to the wall will be quicker." Erwin commanded, not minding Y/N's side comment.

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