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Third Person's Point of View

Levi tried to sleep.

He really did but he just couldn't.

His mind is filled with lots of things.

Worry. Anguish. Pain.

He can't sleep knowing that a few doors away from him is Y/N, who he still don't know the condition of. And a floor apart from him is Erwin, his comrade and friend for years, who sustained a much worse injury than Y/N have, not knowing his condition either.

There's just a lot of maybe's and what if's in his mind.

Maybe the diagnosis for Y/N was wrong and she's actually okay? What if something had gone wrong with Erwin's operation?

Levi has always been an insomniac, always sleeping late and only getting a few hours of sleep but this is different.

It's not just his body rejecting sleep.

His mind is rejecting it as well.

He yearns for rest but it wouldn't come to him.

He shifted on his bed, left to right, even laying on his back to look at the ceiling but nothing is working.

Yes, Levi doesn't mind if he don't get any sleep. He's the humanity's strongest, sleep is nothing. But at the same time, he can't let himself lose any more sleep. Because how else is his body going to heal properly if he can't get enough sleep? And if his body don't heal properly, then how is he gonna get back to service?

There's so much at stake now, now that the Armored Titan and the Colossal Titan have revealed their identities. Any time now, they can strike, but here he is, the humanity's strongest; Erwin Smith, the Survey Corps most brilliant commander up to date; and Y/N L/N, the only survivor of the Special Operations Squad, the person Erwin Smith is most fond of... all in the same fucking hospital.

Levi thought that maybe a cup of tea can help him, make him sleep and calm his nerves so he got off of his bed to go to the hospital canteen. Hopefully, they have a decent kind of tea there, not the shitty and cheap ones, he says.

He was already dressed in his night clothes when he went out of his room. He wore a white shirt that hugged his upper body tightly that's still comfortable, making his toned abdomen visible on the outside of the apparel while he wears a blue pajama pants.

He started to walk on the halls. He realized that he would have to pass by Y/N's room first before he can even reach the corridor that'll lead to the hospital cafeteria and kitchen.

When he got to Y/N's room, he noticed the door being unlocked and slightly ajar.

His protective instincts raised, thinking that an intruder might've gone inside the girl's room. Cautiously, he takes a peek inside and saw no one inside. He sees her sleeping soundly, chest rising and falling from breathing.

It looks like nothing's wrong after all so Levi continued on his way to the cafeteria quietly.

Eventually, the captain reached the cafeteria. To his dismay, the lady serving the food said they didn't have any black tea, not even cheap ones, so Levi headed back to his room in a gloom mood.

And that's when he heard, a shrill scream coming out of one of the rooms.

"No! Get away from me! Please!"

Levi can hear his own heart beat inside his ear, his blood rushing in his veins, sending a surge of adrenaline to his bloodstream. He didn't mean to run when he heard it because all he was thinking of is to save the person who let out that howl of panic.

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