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Third Person's Point of View

Y/N L/N opened her eyes slowly, her eyes twitching as it adjusted to the little light the sky still has, shimmering on the surface of her window.

She sat up from her bed and immediately, her head throbbed from the pain caused by her earlier actions but soon faded away like it never existed as she gained consciousness about her surroundings.

She looked up at the clock on her room, seeing that she had only slept for half an hour before waking up.

It's getting darker out.

"Not bad, Y/N. You managed to keep a little bit of your shit together." She told herself with a small grin, noting that she didn't knock herself asleep for the whole night.

Soon enough, she realized she's not underground.

Annie sure as hell isn't there.

So how did she get back in her room? She couldn't remember a single thing.

"How... the hell did I end up here?" She asked again.

'Do you want me to tell you?', the voice in her head said before giggling uncontrollably.

There it is again, the goddamn voice that plays in her head that she hates so much.

"Shut up. I know all you say is bullshit." Y/N replied to the voice as if that voice is in the same room as hers, responding in a bored manner.

'Oh. Don't be so hard on me, Y/N-chan. Technically, you're telling yourself you're full of bullshit.' the voice responded again, her tone mocking.

Y/N stood up from her bed and stretched her arms and back and winced.

It wasn't in her imagination when she heard her bone move. She paid the pain no mind and proceeded on opening her mouth to speak again.

"You've been loud these days, huh. Don't act like you didn't just tried to talk me into getting in that goddamn city and live there. You almost ruined the mission with Annie. Good thing I don't listen to you that much anymore." Y/N sighed as she went to a cabinet, taking a new set of uniform.

A white long sleeve shirt with an embroidered initial of 'H' at the collar and white pants.

'So? It wouldn't be my fault if you listened to me. Didn't you want to hide there? I was just giving you options, you know. Don't forget, I know your best interests at heart.', the voice retorted with its high pitched voice.

"Hey, you sixteen year-old. Just because you know things about me, doesn't mean you know me better than I do." Y/N replied as she placed the straps on her body, making sure all of them are placed tightly.

'Wow. Was I supposed to be offended? I am you, did you forget? So stop the sixteen year old joke. It's so old. Like you.'

"Yeah, you are me. And I hate you for it. You're bitchier than I am. I'm supposed to be the bitch one." Y/N replied, walking over to the mirror and flattened her shirt for wrinkles.

'God, you're insufferable! You used to be so cool. We don't even do stuff anymore that I like. It's always you and your disgusting new way of living. You're really not curious how you got here? Even if it involves a certain... captain taking you home? I wonder who that might be. Ooh, the name starts with...'

"Wha-" Y/N eyes widened as she stared back at her face on the mirror, her mouth agape.

"You know what? I'm not gonna listen to you. Because you're the whole reason why I got drunk in the first place. And the reason why I always drink!" She screamed angrily, pointing at herself on the mirror.

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