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Third Person's Point of View

Erwin and the others in charge found themselves summoned to the capital and was ordered to hand over Eren Jaeger, the Titan shifter.

Because the Scout Regiment's latest expedition was a failure, Commander Erwin Smith couldn't hold his end of the bargain, in which for Eren Jaeger to be useful to humanity.

Today is the day that the council are going to deliberate whether Eren will be handed over to the Military Police or be given a second chance.

In which... doesn't look like the latter.

"You mean you haven't heard? The Titan boy and the big shots in charge of him are apparently being called to the capital. And they're passing through this city today." A resident from Stohess gossiped to his friend.

It was sunny, the wind howling on the city as if today is just another peaceful day.

Only, it isn't.

"I see. Sounds like he'll get dissection for sure this time around. Whatever the case, I just hope he passes through without a hitch and has the gate shut firmly behind him." His friend responded.

A lot of people from the inside walls are terrified whenever the opening of the gates are involved. They want to keep the peace to themselves, never letting any threats inside even if that means they can save lives for letting people in.

It is true when Levi had said that the people in the interior are pigs, selfish people who only wanted to fatten themselves up while the rest of humanity dies out of starvation.

A deranged man from behind the gossiping friends let go of his bag, the leather falling on the ground with a faint thud because of his shaking hands.

He approached them slowly with his arm outstretched, a manic look creeping in on his face.

"Did you just mention sealing the gate?! You would suggest that we defile the walls even further?!" The deranged man clasped the bystander on the shoulder tightly, making the man wince in the sudden pain.

The man eventually let go of the bystander, raising his arms as he praised the walls even further.

"Maria! Rose! Sina! To defile the three goddess is to commit an unpardonable transgression!" He preached.

It was a strange thing to see, seeing one member of the Church of the Walls preaching outside in the streets instead of their chapel.

"They love and worship the walls as gods. Don't get involved."

"Man, they're still around, huh?"


"Our only protectors are the walls!"

The commotion caught the attention of the people passing by, including the presence of Mason Colson who was just walking with Lily Browne on his side.

The two had gone shopping for the day, and they were quite perplexed by the sudden ruckus.

Everyday is boring in Stohess, why does the peace broke all of a sudden?

"What's happening?" Lily asked, looking up at the tall man with her bright blue orbs as she held a few paper bags on her hands, containing a new set of clothes that he had bought her.

Mason in turn gave her a reassuring smile and replied.

"It's nothing to worry about, princess. Don't mind them." He said and brought his left hand to pat Lily's head, ruffling it with a grin on his lips as his other hand was busy carrying the groceries he had bought for their kitchen.

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