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Third Person's Point of View

He gasped when his palm touched her skin.

"L/N... you're so hot." He breathed out.

"I know that." She teased, face edging closer to his.

'Really? Even now, she's still messing around?', Levi complained in his mind.

"No, you fool. Literally. You're burning up right now, you have a fever." He mentioned, getting worried by the second.

As much as he hates her guts, she is very valuable.

Especially to Erwin.

The commander took a liking to her and Levi doesn't really know what will happen if the Survey Corps ever lose her.

"Oh." Y/N stopped for a second, freezing up, until she gave him one of her dazzling smiles.

"I actually don't care."

Getting angry now, he took her by the wrist and tugged her up. "I said, you're going back."

They stared at each other for a few seconds before she sighed, obliging.

Levi's eyes were vicious, and being in a drunken state, she isn't going to be much of her usual self.

"Can you walk?" He asks as she took his hand off of her wrist forcefully, unknowingly scratching him on his hand as she goes.

He ignored this, of course, as he doesn't really care for it.

All that matters right now is he get her back to her chambers, and possibly tie her up to keep her from wandering the building.

"I'm not a damn toddler. But your baby? Sure." She winked.

Y/N stood up from her seat and managed to take a couple of steps until she collapsed, unconscious.


This is my rough translation of the song.

I found  one in the internet but it's a little bit inaccurate so I edited it at the site (but some of the parts aren't approved yet so yeah ._.)

Good thing, before she can even knock out of her consciousness, Levi knew what was about to happen.

He caught her just in time on his arms and his head darted left and right to see if there's anyone around now who can carry Y/N.

His foot just healed, and he can't do anything rash.

Oh, hell.

Babysitting Y/N is already a rash decision.

"I hate you so much." Levi whispered to himself before taking a long, deep sigh.

He needed to prepare himself mentally and of course, physically, if he were to carry this girl all the way back to building.

Levi thought that he'll have a hard time carrying Y/N but when he tried to lift the girl up, she was surprisingly light.

She hasn't been eating well for the last couple of weeks, it seems.

'Your hair is like a vanishing night, arriving when dawn comes, coloring the skies.'

With a huff, he placed one of his arms under her legs and the other supporting her back, carrying her bridal style to prevent worsening her injuries.

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