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Third Person's Point of View

Oluo was tearing up, his emotions getting the best of him.

But he came to the realization that he must go on so the deaths of his friends weren't in vain.

Eventually getting consumed by agony, Oluo decided to go on a suicidal mission and told Y/N off.

"I'm going to kill this Titan alone! Leave now, rookie!" Oluo told Y/N off in an attempt to save her from this monster in front of them.

He wants Y/N to regroup with Eren and protect him even just until he can reach the HQ.

Does he honestly think Y/N will just say yes to that?

A vein popped in Y/N's forehead and an irritated smirk appeared on her lips after hearing Oluo's order. "Don't take all the credit for yourself, uncle Oluo!"

Oluo smirked through gritted teeth, realizing that he won't be able to change Y/N's mind anyway no matter how much he tries.

"Fine! Rookie, you shoot it in the eye and then I'll attack the nape!" Oluo hurriedly said while they're still on a distance from the Titan.

He didn't want to risk their plan by being heard of the Female Titan, as this is their only chance.

Their only hope to bring justice to the deaths of their fellowmen and protect Eren Jaeger.

"That's your plan?! Even if I hit it perfectly, I don't think your plan will work! What if you missed, huh?!" Y/N screamed with a scowl present on her face.

There's so much at stake right here.

She doesn't want to lose everyone.

She just had found the people she's going to treat as her family, and now...

They all left her too.

Oluo's the only one left, and she doesn't want him to die too.

"I'm not some newbie into this kind of thing, okay?! I have more experience than you! We'll catch it off guard, so just do it! Don't you trust me?!" Oluo turned to her, a tear stricken face staring Y/N down.

He's been crying the whole time they're conspiring, and it affected Y/N to see that Levi wannabe show his true emotions for once instead of being cocky.

Y/N doesn't want to go along with this plan because she trusts them.

She wants to go along with a plan that she knows will be successful.

She should decide from considering the factors given in the situation, not her emotions nor her feelings towards the matter.

Because it doesn't matter if she trusts someone.

If they're gonna fuck up, they're gonna fuck up.

And they can't afford to fuck up right now.

"Frankly, I don't!" Y/N harshly screamed to his face, subtly telling him she believes the plan won't work.

Oluo gripped his swords tighter and pleaded again. "L/N, do it!"

Y/N stared at him for a few moments before giving in, sighing. "Damn it, fine! It won't be my fault if you died, you hear me, Uncle Oluo?!"

Oluo gave her a huge smile, a thankful one.

Y/N hates smiles that secretly says good bye.

She have seen too much of it that it's getting too tiring.

"Stop smiling like a dumbass! Watch me so you'll know when to attack!"

Oluo nodded and went on the distance, letting Y/N work her magic first.

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