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Third Person's Point of View

"Hey, Y/N! You said you're a romantic, right?" Connie teased as he elbows her by the ribs.

"I never said that." The girl squinted her eyes at the boy. "Eh? What about that speech of yours saying 'you can't love unless you play' or something?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I said that. But that doesn't mean I'm a romantic. Romantics fall in love way too hard and way too fast. I'm not stupid like them." She said and took a bite from the stale bread she got from the cafeteria.

She chewed and gulped the food then asked, "Why are you asking?" 

"Do you think you can charm everyone?" Connie asked again, wiggling his eyebrows to the girl in question.  "Of course! You do know that I'm THE Y/N L/N, right?" The girl replied with a proud grin.

"I bet you can't even talk to that right hand of the commander from Survey Corps." Connie added. Y/N looked at the man briefly. He was sitting on a table just a few feet away from the group, with the commander and other people she think is from the Survey Corps, based on their cloak's badge.

"That guy? I just called him a pervert earlier." Y/N said with a laugh. The others turned to look at her in shock, even the people from the other table, Eren's group.

Sasha's shrill scream pierced their ears as she ran towards Y/N's table.

"WHAT?! WHY?!" She asked, frantic. 

"Jeez, girl calm down. I would rather be eaten by a titan than hear that scream ever again." Y/N said with an eye roll. "B-But, how?!" She asked again.

"I met him on the woods. I just straight up called him a pervert." Y/N said with a bored face and took a bite from her bread again.

"Did he do anything, though?" Marco asked, worried.

"Nah. He's not a pervert but I do love getting in the nerves of people. Especially important people." She said in between chews. 

"You're so bad!" Ymir said with a laugh and patted her in the back. "That's what I like about you, L/N!" 

"Aw, I love you too, Ymir." Y/N said and gave her a wink in which made the girl glare at her.

"You're ruining the mood. Krista, don't listen to her. You know you're the only one I want to marry." She reassured Krista who's spacing out while the group is conversing.

"O-Oh... okay." Krista nodded.

"Anyway, is that a dare, Connie?" Y/N said, finishing her bread and wiping left overs on her lips.

"Yeah! But if you get caught, I'm out of the question. So what'll it be?" Connie added, challenging the girl.

"Watch me."

The girl stood up and fixed herself. Her hair, her crumpled clothes, anything just to look presentable. She walked to the table of the Survey Corps and walked up to the commander.

"Hello, my name is Y/N. You're the commander, right?" Y/N said as she stood in front of the blonde man. Erwin thinks this is a good opportunity to get on Y/N's good side since he wants her to join them.

It's kind of funny though. She's acting nice when Erwin knows all about her mischievousness.

"Yes. I am Erwin Smith of Survey Corps." He said with a nice smile. Y/N returned the smile and offered a hand in which the commander accepted.

"What are you here for?" He asked. His eyes scanned her face for anything that might say more about her. Dishonesty? Arrogance? Aggressiveness? Erwin wants to see if going after her really is a good idea.

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