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Third Person's Point of View

"I'm going to get my squad." Captain Levi stated, getting ready to leave the area.

If it weren't for Erwin, he would've left already but the Commander intercepted on his plans.

"Wait, Levi. Replenish your gas and blades first." Erwin commanded and Levi gave him a weirded out side eye.

"We're low on time and I have enough to last already. Why?" Levi asked, still having his feet planted on the tree horizontally as his body shifted side wards, seconds away from kicking himself off of it.

"That's an order. Do as you're told." Erwin said firmly.

Levi didn't bother to ask for more, as he thinks Erwin has some kind of explanation he's not going to tell him because of the short time.

After all, Erwin Smith is a genius, the man who is always one step ahead of everyone.

"Whatever you say, Erwin. I'll trust your judgment." Levi answered and fired a blue colored flare, prompting the others to do the same.

Before Levi kicks himself off, Erwin said one last thing to him.

"Look out for L/N the same as you look out for Eren."


"They're valuable."


"Looks like it's over. Let's get back to the horses! Prepare to withdraw!" Gunther yelled.

Y/N looked up to see the blue flare Gunther is referring to and sighed. "Yeah. Let's go."

"You heard the man. Let's go see the bastard riding inside it looks like." Oluo spoke, crouching alone on the tree bark.

Everyone started to check their gears first, seeing how much gas do they have or if there's any malfunction before they retreat.

Y/N went over to Oluo and sat next to him as they worked. She nudged him on the rib and gave him a playful smile.

"What is it, rookie?" Oluo grumpily asked, looking at her with irritated eyes.

"You might want to pass into showing yourself, Uncle Oluo. I'm pretty sure the bitch will be terrified just one look of your face." Y/N joked and gave him another of her cheshire grin.

"And they will tear up just from one look of your face." Oluo responded with the same teasing manner, making Y/N smirk more. 

"Of joy? Of course they will." The girl responded coolly.

"Damn it. I'll get you next time, brat." Oluo rolled his eyes but smiled.

"I'm countin' on that." The girl replied.

"Did they really find out who it is?" Eren asked, looking down on the tree.

Petra gave him a big smile as she tinkers with her omnidirectional gear. "All thanks to you!"

"Huh? But I didn't do anything." Eren retorted, confused.

"You trusted us, remember? Things turned out this way because you chose to stick with us. Making the right call is a pretty hard thing to do, you know!" Petra cheered.

Y/N and Oluo grumbled in sync before giving the two a look.

"Hey, now. Quit pamperin' him, Petra. How was he any help? All he did was whine like a pathetic little brat. I guess making it back alive might be considered praiseworthy, but only after the mission's done and over with. Just so you know, twerp, an expedition ain't over 'til you're back home." Oluo said in a cocky manner, both his hands resting on his waist as he towered over Eren.

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