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So, I was scrolling through my Wattpad's notification bar when I came across this one comment from one of my chapters of 'WHO IS SHE?'.

Thank you, by the way, for calling me out on that. I really appreciate people who calls out my mistake so I can be a better person/writer.

It's that one dialogue where Y/N said "Oh, I didn't know retarded people could hear? Maybe you're just really nosy, huh."

I didn't meant that statement to be degrading for people who has disabilities. I meant that in the literal sense. I meant that Eren is stupid (which is the synonym of the word I used, retarded) and said 'hear' because he was eavesdropping in their conversation.

So basically, Y/N said that it's a shock that a stupid person like Eren can be eavesdropping when he should be busy being stupid or something.

I feel like I could've phrased it better, I'm sorry. I had to clear it up, since it's my obligation as a writer.

And also guys, Y/N is a flawed character. She's not supposed to be nice. I'm not trying to call myself a nice person but even if I'm not like Y/N in real life, I had to write shit that annoys people because that's the character's personality.

As I said on some comments that I have replied on before on my Facebook account, there's a plot twist on the middle or the ending of the story that will answer all the mystery about Y/N's life, why she's acts like that, and etc.

So uhm, I want to say sorry for the people that I have offended. I could've phrased it better. But again, I didn't mean to degrade people with the insult that I wrote as a dialogue. I wish you could all forgive me.

I'm sorry if I don't make any sense. I can't put my thoughts into words properly sometimes since English is not my first language.

I'm also going to update later!

-Eos / Aoi

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