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Third Person's Point of View

"We'll take you to our hometown. I realize that you're not going to listen or do as I say. But like Ymir is saying, this place is swarming with Titans. We could beat the hell out of each other right now, but when we're weak, the other Titans would just come and eat us. So until nightfall, when the Titans can't move, we have no choice but to wait here. Whether you're trying to run from us or you're going to let us take you away, either way, we wait for the night."

"Why didn't you stay as the Armored Titan and run home? What's the point of stopping here? Too tired and needed a break?" Ymir asked.

The emotion on Reiner's face didn't change into anything else but brooding. "Why don't you use your imagination?"

This answer made Ymir shut up but not Y/N though.

"Oh, I know. He needs to jack off, that's why." She said loudly but no one laughed. It's more like it's her she's humoring, not the people she's with. Y/N wheezed at her own stupidity and continued to do so even after Ymir had already replied.

"Are you simply waiting here for nightfall?" Ymir asked, giving a still wheezing Y/N a quick side eye before focusing her eyes on Reiner. "Maybe I am." The blonde replied.

"Why? The Titans at the castle moved just fine at night. Won't these Titans too?" Ymir asked again, which was the only statement that were able to stop Y/N from messing around.

She's curious herself.

From Hange's experiments on Sawney and Bean, Y/N have come to learn that Titans become weak at night, to the point that if you deprive them enough, they won't be able to move.

Y/N's purple colored eyes stared intently at the dagger she's holding, not letting Bertholdt, who's almost next to her raise suspicions. 

"The Titans here can't move at night. You should know all about it, Ymir."

That peculiar response got the attention of Eren and Y/N, but the latter didn't make it obvious that her mind is forming millions of thoughts that second.

Eren whipped his head towards Ymir all so obvious, earning a glance from Bertholdt.

There's a lot that Eren wants to say. He wants to let them know how much they've made him angry but he realized that having an outburst wouldn't let him collect information.

He needs to let them talk and so, he needs to hold his emotions.

Moments later...

Eren and Ymir's body still let out smoke, which has been bothering the two for quite some time now.

Ymir was fanning herself when she sighed before talking to Reiner. "Reiner, you got any water? If I don't get some soon, I'm going to shrivel up and die."

"Even if it's a matter of life and death, there's nothing we can do now." Reiner replied with no emotion but it's evident that he himself is feeling really hungry and thirsty right now.

Out of defeat, Ymir closed her eyes and sighed. "He's completely right. This situation couldn't be any worse."

To get under everybody's skin, Y/N decided to do something really ridiculously childish. She patted the inside of her jacket, smirking to herself when she felt Pyxis' booze flask sitting happily inside. "You are a gift from God, Pyxis!" She whispered to herself but her faint happiness was short lived.

Because when her eyes landed on the flask, memories of the early day flashed inside her head. She starts to hear familiar voices around her, screaming loudly in her ear.

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