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Third Person's Point of View


"I've come up with a way to stop you without completely killing you." Levi spoke in front of a black board with chalk in hand.

The Levi squad would've been completely present in the meeting room if Y/N L/N were to attend the gathering but for some reason, she's isn't here.


Hange sat atop the table with her chin resting on her intertwined hands, silently watching Eren's every move out of curiosity.

"Sir?" Eren asked for Levi to confirm, intrigued.

"Before, I said the only way to stop you in Titan form is to kill you." Levi started before facing the black board and started drawing a simple anatomy on its surface, adding a circle.

"But this method will only leave you mutilated. It depends entirely on individual skill, though. Basically, it involves cutting the nape-- with you in it-- off of the body. The ends of your limbs will get severed in the process."

Levi turns to Eren before continuing on the explanation for his plan. "But I assume they'll just grow back anyway, like a lizard. It creeps me out."

"W-Wait. I'm not sure how to make them grow back. Isn't there some other way?" Eren reasoned out, scared of what might happen to him if the captain goes along with his plan.

Of course no one would want to have their arms and legs cut off.

He may heal on his injuries, successfully grow them back... but Eren somehow knows that it will probably hurt so much that dying might be the easier choice.

Levi turned to look at him, eyes glaring and obviously pissed off. "So you want to do it without taking any risks or making any sacrifices?"


"Then prepare for the worst. We're in the same boat. You could kill us. So just relax." Levi said, pertaining to his members who are present inside the room.

His eyes scanned the area, only noticing that there's a petite girl missing and he rolled his eyes.

'Even on an important meeting, still not present. So childish.', Levi complained.

"Yes, Sir... I understand." Eren replied, finally submitting to his fate.

If this is what the captain wants to do, he's in no position to question his decisions nor fight back. Captain Levi can kill him in one slice, and that's the worst scenario he never want to happen.

"S-So, I can start experimenting, right?" Hange asked from the side, her aura still serious.

"It's risky, but we can't risk not testing him either." Levi said, turning his head to look at Hange square in the eye.

"I'll take charge of the planning, then. Eren... if you're unsure about anything, then just learn as you go. Anything we learn is easily worth risking our lives for." Hange continued, her intertwined fingers pressing against each other tighter.

Suddenly, Hange went back to her upbeat and giddy attitude and jumped off the table with a huge smile. "Now, who would be my sidekick?!"

Everyone took a few step back away from Hange, avoiding her determined gaze as some of them whistle innocently.

The door opened and light foot steps echoed inside the small room. A calm looking Y/N walked inside the room with a relaxed smirk on her lips, her right hand lifted up as a greeting.

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