906 36 28

Trigger Warning: S*xual Abuse, Assa*lt, Death

Y/N L/N's Point of View

Echoes of voices.

Shrieks of horror.

Someone crying out for help.

Those were the first things I noticed.

I don't know how but somehow, I'm transported into this place, the nest of my nightmares since I was young.

I start to look around, seeing nothing but darkness all around me as my ears pick up all the sounds around me.

There's a few glowing yellow light very far away from me from the candles burning inside their houses but that's just the problem... they're too far away for me to reach out and ask for their help.

Because I felt that crippling feeling inside of me, fear.

I know I've been here before.

So I panicked.

And amidst my trepidation, I saw a paper bag of groceries spilled out on the dirty concrete right in front of me, its contents spread out of the paper bag's mouth. I followed my eyes to see an orange roll out, my mind fixated on it for some reason.

I leaned down to take it...


That's when I felt it.

A pair of arms pulling me from behind, fingers sinking down onto my skin.

A sharp yelp came out of my mouth and I looked over my shoulder to see a man smirking as he is trying to pull me closer.

I can't make out his features but I know I've seen that face before.

In fact, if I can forget ever seeing it, fuck, I would.

I tried to fight back but no strength is coming out of my limbs, nothing.

"No! Get away from me! Please!" I screamed out but the man didn't stop. His grin even went wider, like he's enjoying me beg for him to leave me alone.

I heard the sounds of textile ripping. When I looked down, I noticed that a big portion of my top has been ripped off, my chest getting exposed to the chilly air, sending goosebumps down my skin.

His hand wandered down there to my chest as another man appeared from the shadows.

I shook my head no, being in denial about what's about to come. "No... no... not again!"

An unknown force pushed me down the dirty ground. My arms instantly shot in front of me to push the man trying to smother me in kisses, clawing at him but he wouldn't stop.

My strength gave out and I felt my eyes starting to water. "Don't... Please let go... Help..."

I hate this.

I really, really fucking hate this.

He starts to pull my shorts down, groping and pinching the fat of my thighs.

"Please stop... Please, please, please..." I cried, my eyes closed shut.

And when all hope was lost in me, I heard a groveling cry for help. Opening my eyes, I saw red staining the man's shirt. When I shifted my head, I saw a huge knife punctured on the man's stomach, a small boy holding the knife's handle, pushing it into the flesh deeper.

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