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Third Person's Point of View

The two of them looked at each other, electricity sparking in the air.

No, before you say anything, it's not desire. In fact, they want to tear each other's head off.

"You're so certain of yourself. I don't ever see myself being anyone's property, remember that." Levi said coldly and walked out of the mess hall. Everyone was speechless, the Survey Corps and the spectators, Y/N's comrades.

The silence was too loud to bear for the whole group. No one dared to speak, not even their commander. Well... except for one.

"Well, that was fun!" Y/N cheered, as Hange's still in her embrace. The woman let go of the petite's waist and looked at her skeptically.

"What?" Hange asked her.

"Oh, you didn't know? I love getting in the nerves of people." Y/N replied, not even bothered a single bit of the situation. Hange looked at her a few seconds more and burst out laughing. She laughed so much she clutched her belly and tears started to form in her eyes.

"Y-You! Are you for real?!" She asked. Y/N gave her a cool grin and nodded.

Eventually, she came down from her laughter. 

"So... you really went to our table for what?" Hange asked, curious. The others, Erwin, Moblit and Mike, are waiting intently to what the girl has to say.

"For shorty. He's hot as fuck." Y/N replied with a certain face. The four members of the Survey Corps that're present tried to find any clue in her face that will indicate she's just joking. 

But she's not.

'She and Hange-san sure will get along...', Moblit thought.

"Ooh, Levi's got another admirer!" Hange cheered, startling the other three from their train of thought.

"Is that really it, Cadet Y/N?" Erwin asked.

'This... is the same girl who decked a man 7 inches much taller than her?', Erwin thought.

"Hmm... well it was a dare to come here and butt in with y'all. I don't regret it though." Y/N said and pulled Hange in for a side hug. Her arm rested in the taller woman's shoulders.

"Yeah! Y/N and I are best friends now!" Hange shouted at the top of her lungs, turning a few glances from the other cadets. Y/N put her index finger in Hange's lips using her free hand to shush her. Surprisingly, it worked.

"Oh no, there's two of them now." Mike said, finally saying something. He looked quite defeated with the fact that there will be more loud mouths in the group now.

She pulled away from the embrace and stretched her arms.

"Anyway, I reached my quota for being annoying today. See you next time~!" She waved as she went back to her table. Y/N can feel the Survey Corps gaze from the back of her head, as if their gazes burn through her skull.

'Nailed it.', she thought to herself, too proud.

When she approached the table, Ymir gave her the biggest smirk she could muster.

"Well? It looked like a success to me." She said, and Y/N shrugged her shoulders with a huge mocking smile in her face.

"I thought I told you to charm Captain Levi? Why did he stormed off?" Connie asked, kind of scared. If the captain found out he was the one who dared Y/N to bug him, he's dead meat. During their training, he and Sasha always get scolded by Commandant Shadis and Captain Levi's probably scarier.

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