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Third Person's Point of View

"Speaking of sentimental... Lily has been bugging me when she can see her mom again. For real this time. You know, no shitty rules." Mason chuckled lightly, scratching his chin as he gaze over her.

The injured girl let out a sad smile before responding.

"And what did you say? Don't tell me you said yes?" She reluctantly asked.

"Well, I told her she'll see her soon." Mason replied, hoping that Y/N wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

"You shouldn't have done that." Y/N said sternly, but didn't do anything else.

She's just too tired to fight him again.

They can only see each other a few times, she isn't going to waste their time together fighting over something they fought about dozens of times before.

"Can you blame me? The smile she gave me... it was so bright, Y/N. You would've loved to see it. It was literal sunshine." He laughed again, trying to ease Y/N up with something positive.

As long as Lily's involve in something, Mason knows how Y/N would react.

He knows that what he did was against their deal.

He wasn't supposed to make decisions like that that will get Lily's hopes up. After all, it's unlikely that the mother will be able to come home any time soon.

Trying to keep herself unemotional, Y/N snickered. "Of course, what do you expect? She loves her mom so much."

"All the more reason for you to come home." Mason quickly answered, as if he wasn't even thinking about what he's trying to say. 

He spoke so fast that it startled Y/N.

It seems like that he really is that desperate for her to come home.

Bringing her hand over his, she gave his hand a little squeeze.

"You know that I can't. I can't bring myself to be around you and her because you know how things are. And that house... I can't live there for too long. It's filled with... memories." The girl's eyes focused on the thin blanket draped over her legs.

Why is it that every talk she has with him, it always end up with thoughts of her family?

"We have limited days, Y/N. Especially you, because you fucking signed up for this. And Lily... she's maturing everyday. If you continue being away from her and going outside the walls, there's a lot you're going to miss out on." He said, keeping his acts to convince her.

"I think there's already a lot of important events in her life I've missed that's enough to make her hate me. One more wouldn't make any difference." Y/N blurted out.

With an annoyed expression on his face, Mason smacked Y/N's head hard which made the girl wince. "Shut up. That's not what we're talking about. That's in the past. She never complained even just once. We're talking about now, Y/N."

She uttered a bitter laugh. "So? That doesn't mean she didn't hate me, Ollie. Where was I when she attended her first day of school?"

"You were the one who taught her how to read and write, you knuckle head. Those little things don't matter to her. What matters to her is that you come home, which is something you are not intending to do." He said, crossing his arms.

He couldn't believe that after all these years, she's still letting her past mistakes decide for her future.

What, is she never going to come home because of her fears?

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