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Third Person's Point of View

"You never changed, Y/N. You've always been so restless." A man's voice called from behind her. Y/N's eyes widened and her body tensed, shaking from the anticipation or maybe... from excitement.

"Please, let me be right." She whispered to herself. With a smile on her lips, she slowly turned around.

Only for her wildest dreams to come true.

"If it isn't Mason Colson. It's nice seeing you here." Y/N smirked smugly and crossed her arms as she looked over the man in front of her.

Neither one of them is making a move to get closer to each other. They just stared, gazing at each other's eyes and savored the feeling of seeing each other for the very first time after being apart for so long.

Y/N stared at his brown wavy hair that's been moved by the wind, and to his almost sparkling hazel brown eyes. His defined jawline moved when he spoke, answering Y/N with a gentle smile.

"Did you like the gift that I sent you?" He asked her, his hand stuffed on his pockets.

Oh, they shared the same mannerism all right.

She scoffed first before chuckling. "The alcohol? Very much so. My friends liked it."

He raised his eyebrows at her and laughed, a sound that Y/N missed so much.

"I'm surprised you had friends. Given with your... unpleasant attitude." He teased, smiling to himself, he looked down in shyness and then back up at her.

"Me and you both. I never expected them to accept me like you did. I don't think they will though once they know everything. There are secrets that only you could know." She laughed.

"To tell you the truth, I knew you'll be just fine. You told me to have faith that you won't die on your training, and I never thought you will." He said and looked away, a sad smile plastered on his lips.

"...I'm sorry I flaked." Y/N answered, playing with her fidgeting hands.

Mason took a few steps forward to hold her shaking hands gently.

"It's alright. You've always been a good person, Y/N. You just keep on denying it. I think you should forgive yourself now."

Y/N wouldn't answer him.

Even though it's been years, she still haven't forgotten all the things she regret. Mason is the only one who knew her pain and managed to distract her from all of it.

She'll be forever grateful for that.

Silence filled the area, until Y/N's eyes widened and looked at him out of realization.

"Where is she?" She asked Mason in worry, her eyebrows furrowing together.

Mason laughed for a little bit because of her reaction and answered. "Looking for you."

All of a sudden, a loud shriek was heard. A girl a little bit smaller than Y/N, with middle length blonde hair and blue eyes, ran across the area so she can get to ravenette.

"Y/N!" She screamed so loud the birds on the area flew away from them.

Y/N chuckled and opened up her arms lazily to meet her, and the blonde girl crashed to her, knocking them both down. 

Mason was quick to move and went behind Y/N, placing his palms on her back so he can soften the blow and successfully caught her.

Now, they're huddled in close, with Mason on the back, and Y/N on the middle, who has the blonde girl hugging her tightly by the waist.

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