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Hey, hey, heyyy!

Remember the last special I made where it cut off to a cliff hanger?

Well, here's the continuation!

This will also serve as a major clue to Y/N's parents.

The next chapters will be posted soon.


Y/N L/N's Point of View

"Hello darling."

"Mom... dad."

"That plane ride was exhausting. You can't believe the week we've had, Y/N."

That stupidly annoying accent was enough to tell me who it was on the door.

I didn't want to believe it but it's true.

They're home.

Mom spoke as she shrugged off of her brown colored coat with an annoyed grumble under her breath. She wore a white turtle neck and black trousers, paired with a black belt and brown loafers.

Dad, on the other hand, wore a gray long sleeve shirt, black trousers and black Italian leather shoes.

"Mom-" I tried to speak but then she embraced me in a quick hug right before placing her coat on my arms, proceeding inside the house.

"That service! We are never riding that airline again, dear!" She complains as she go, throwing hands on the air 

Oh, damn it.

"Don't mind your mother, Kiddo. She's just jet-lagged." Dad stepped in front of me and kissed me on the cheek, rubbing me affectionately on both my shoulders before going after mom, getting inside the house too, leaving me on the door frame. "We've missed you, Y/N."

"What the hell is happening?" I muttered under my breath.

Why the hell are they home?

And the two of them came home without even telling me.

Even though they were gone most of my life, at least they had the manners to tell me when or when they are not coming home.

Hell, they walked past me like I was just there to greet them as their personal butler. Mom gave me her fucking coat!

What am I supposed to do, hang it for her?!

Fuck... why do I have to endure all this?

Realizing that I may not need to endure all this shit alone, I remember my friends who went out to give Levi and I some alone time.

I looked on the backdoor and saw silhouettes of my friends scrambling away.

My bitch of a bestfriend Ymir had the audacity to stop on the door frame of the back door to give me a fucking peace sign and smiled at me teasingly before running off with the rest of my friends. 

Those traitors!

They probably saw my parents go in through the front doors, as the backyard is connected to the side lawns then to the front. 

They could've rescued Levi and I by making their presence known to my parents! But there they go, scrambling away like bitches!

My parents headed for the living room like king and queen.

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