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Y/N L/N's Point of View

"So... how is Eren as a friend?" Zeke asked me to ease the awkward vibe between us. 

Why does Eren have to leave anyway? He knew Zeke and I don't know each other well, and besides, Mikasa sure can handle herself.

The train station is only a few blocks from here. It wouldn't take a while, but it wouldn't be fast too for Eren and Mika to get here.


"He's a little troublemaker but there's nothing that I can't handle." I said confidently and shoot him a sly grin. He laughed with his eyes sparkling with joy.

"It's good that he's well. I mean... he told you about..." He trailed, looking at me if I know what he's talking about. 

"O-Oh, yeah he did. At least everything worked out in the end, right?" I said and smiled at him reassuringly.

I know it was really hard for them to accept at first, but they get along really well. It's a relief that they didn't let their parents influence their emotions towards each other.

"Yeah." He said.

Awkward silence filled the gap between us again. He taps on his coffee mug  uncomfortably and I coughed, putting my hand up to call for a waiter.

Eren invited me to eat, and there's no way I ain't stuffing my mouth with food.

The waiter saw me and went to Zeke and I's direction.

I pointed on the menu from the table and he nodded, putting my order to his little note pad. He gave me a quick smile before going back to the counter.

"This is my first time meeting Mikasa, you know." Zeke started and brought a napkin to his lips for any residue of the coffee he's been sipping on for the past few minutes.

"Really?" I replied, amused.

"Mmm. We always planned the meet up but never got through with it because of my schedule." He said and his eyes trailed outside, where the glass separates the coffee shop and the outside world.

The street is awfully crowded with people, valentine gifts from vendors decorated the side walk.

"I guess you're a very busy man. From your vibe, you look like a really serious student, Zeke-san." I said and laughed, my eyes glued to the glass too.

He turned his head to my direction and smiled at me sweetly.

I returned his gaze.

At a first look, Zeke-san looks really serious and intimidating. But when he smiles or laughs, he actually looks really laid back and approachable.

I wish I have the same duality. My bored face looks like I'm going to eat someone alive.

I remember Marco telling me he used to think I hated him because of my expression whenever we talk. When in fact, I was just listening to his story intently.

"That's what they say. I'm a really friendly person, they just think I'm too school-ish."

"How come?" I asked and made myself comfortable by placing my elbow onto the table and my cheek to my palm.

I don't know if you noticed but I really like doing this.

I looked up at his figure as he answers my question. He placed his index finger to his chin, thinking thoroughly.

"They say I dress up like a professor, I look like a professor, and I act like a professor. Professors don't shout profanities. I curse every once in a while, you know." He said and chuckled, looking back at me as he adjust his glasses.

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