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Third Person's Point of View

"Great!" Reiner responded to the woman, who just scoffed after hearing his cheerful response.

It irked Y/N that Reiner feels happy, that they feel contented with her answer. That she's the reason why Reiner has that smile on his lips.

Yes, their offer made sense, how wouldn't it? If you grow up in a world where your safety is always put into question because man-eating creatures walk around freely just outside the wall that's barricading them exist and somehow the people who are siding with those monsters offer you an escape out, wouldn't you take it?

But it really annoyed the hell out of her.

How could these people, who killed hundreds of people by destroying the wall to let in countless of Titans, feel happy?

How can they stand there and feel okay?

They don't deserve happiness, just as she feels that she doesn't deserve it as well.

Guilty people... sinners, they shouldn't feel happy. As long as their sins haven't been repaid, no one's supposed to feel happy.

Sinners deserve to suffer, Y/N knows that more than anyone.

Because if there isn't anyone who can punish you, you do it to yourself. That's the least you could do for being such a terrible person.

It's the very same reason why she distance herself from her daughter. She don't feel deserving of her daughter's love and attention at all.

The kid is too kind, too forgiving. That no matter how much she fucked up, her kid will always welcome her with open arms.

It wasn't fair, it still is.

Whenever she looks at her daughter, she's always reminded of how horrible of a person she is.

But at least if she agrees with Reiner, she can bring her daughter to a better place, not let her rot here in this fucking island with her.

She needs to do better, she needs to think of her daughter's needs first. Not her own happiness, not her own safety, not the things that she wants for herself.

Y/N's daughter must always come first.

"Don't talk to me anymore, we're not buddy-buddies here." Y/N scowled once more before crossing her arms, turning her head to look at the two Titan shifters on the other tree.

Y/N saw a faint movement from there.

"Ymir... She's stirring awake." Y/N muttered under her breath, knowing full well that Bertholdt is keeping a close eye on her, which means he'd probably heard her speak.

Ymir, Y/N's best friend, is in fact conscious now. The tall woman's eyes opened slowly, eyes adjusting to the light at first. A grumble escaped her lips as she slowly sat up, scratching her head with her smoking arm. "The hell..."

When Ymir had fully sat up and her eyes adjusted to the light, the first figure her eyes landed on was her best friend. "Y/N?! What the hell are you doing here?!"

Y/N can only smirk as her eyes stare down the big branch of the tree they're sitting on, not forgetting about the fact that her best friend forgot to tell her that she was a Titan shifter and can read Marleyan language. 

Of course, she wouldn't forget about the betrayal she'd experience.

"I could say the same thing to you."

The coldness of Y/N's voice made shiver travel down Ymir's spine.

The last thing Ymir can remember was the time she became all sentimental to Krista, who now she knows the real name is Historia and seeing Y/N fighting along side her while she was in Titan form.

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