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Third Person's Point of View

"Ymir! Look... The Scouts have already gotten this close. If only we had run right away and Y/N didn't try to kill Reiner earlier, we probably would've been able to escape. But because you forced us to bring Krista, at this rate, they'll catch us!" Bertholdt broke Ymir's silence, eyes looking at her with tears forming in them.

It was now Bertholdt's turn to feel tense.

"Hey, Ymir... Are you telling us that we did all of that for nothing? Did you change your mind? Is that really what you want? Letting Krista rot within the walls? Don't be stupid, Ymir!" Bertholdt says again. It's clear he's trying to guilt trip and manipulate Ymir to go with their plans by using Historia as the subject. Because he knows that Historia is Ymir's one and only weakness.

All of this made Y/N scoff in her place and after a long silence, she decided to break it by opening her mouth. "Historia. Her name is Historia." She says quietly, not meeting his eyes.

"Huh?" Bertholdt uttered, turning his head to look at her with wonder.

Then, Y/N looked up, staring at him straight in the eyes like she's skinning him alive in her thoughts.

No matter how many times Bertholdt look at Y/N, he can never control the shivers crawling down his spine everytime his eyes meet hers.

"Krista is dead. Hell, she was never real. Her name... is Historia." She corrected, teeth gritting in annoyance.

"What difference does it make, Y/N?" Bertholdt asked quite innocently but in a flash, Y/N ran all the way from Ymir's to get to Bertholdt's. She pulled her gun out of her jacket, the weapon glinting when the sun hit its metal surface.

She placed it below Bertholdt's jaw, just on the jugular using her left hand as her other free hand took a hold of Eren who's still tied to the tall boy's back, tugging Eren towards her as an attempt to try and steal him away from Bertholdt.

A Possessed person can break a wall with their fists alone if trained and conditioned properly. But with Y/N's state, she's far from getting to that point.

Bertholdt couldn't defend himself from Y/N as he was too focused holding Eren back with his hands. Never in a million years will he let Y/N get away with Eren in her arms.

He's crucial in their plans, getting Eren to his hometown would end all of his problems because then, their mission could finally be completed and they'll be free.

"You don't call people from names they don't want to address themselves with." She grits her teeth harder, pressing the gun closer to his skin, burying it.

Y/N's eyes used to be full of anger and resentment and it shows but her demeanor suddenly changed into a cold one, her eyes losing their emotions, the kind they always saw back in the academy whenever they'll spar. It's like the whole topic is hitting too close to home but she's trying her hardest to make it seem like it isn't affecting her at all. "It's just fucking rude."

Still wallowing in her disappointment to herself, Ymir could hear everything. And she knows why Y/N is acting this way.

Y/N ran away from her past, wearing a new name and a whole new identity. If someone were to call her in her dead name, she would feel extremely upset. Especially if they bring up all the horrible things she did. Ymir can imagine how much pity Y/N must feel for Historia's sake.

"When I stabbed your friend in the neck, he didn't die. It must be because of the Titan shifting bullshit you freaks got going on." She smiled cruelly, hiding her real emotions behind a mask.

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