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Third Person's Point of View

Behind the four boys...

Mikasa gave Connie a hand as he took his last steps to get up the wall.

"Thanks, Mikasa." He thanked, peering up at her. The Ravenette crouched down the concrete to look at Connie eye to eye as Sasha looked worriedly behind her. "Are you hurt?" Mikasa asked in turn.

"I'm fine, but Reiner got his arm bit. Y/N... she's okay but she can't move her limbs yet." Connie replied, eyes going downcast as he talked.

"Why was Y/N there in the first place? Shouldn't she be in the hospital? After all, Eren slapped her body quite hard when he was in his Titan form." Mikasa wondered, eyes going dark once she remembered that scene in front of her.

Eren almost going on a rampage, Y/N going after him to save Annie's body, and her getting injured.

Of course, she's worried about Y/N. She just wouldn't let it show, that's the kind of person she is.

And in truth, she feels guilty about it. Y/N getting injured, she means.

As much of a bully Y/N was to Eren back when they were in the academy, she really pulled through after three years and showed everyone she cared about Eren even just a little bit by keeping him alive.

And after all that effort... it's not their enemies who injured Y/N. Not Annie... but Eren, the one she was supposed to protect.

"You're not the first person to ask that. All that she told us was Commander Erwin sent her to accompany us. I guess that was a lie." Connie laughed as he scratched his head.

"Why do you think she will come that far just to help you?" Mikasa asked again, staring at Connie intently. The boy gulped down his throat quickly, thinking how the hell he can change the subject of their conversation.

"...Beats me. Next there to Y/N, Ymir is... as you can see." Connie shifted the conversation instantly before Mikasa can even go in depth with her questions.

Connie promised Y/N he won't ask again about her life, including her secret that no one knows. And he knows that he and Y/N never talked about this, but he knows that its his job to stop the others from asking as well.

Mikasa didn't notice Connie's attempt to change the topic as Sasha just went ahead and carried on her own questions. Sasha's lips quivered in panic as she muttered. "Who would've thought that Ymir was a Titan too? Does that-"

"Sasha." Mikasa calmed the girl down before she can even start to spiral.

They heard a woman's low voice from somewhere.

Turning around, they saw Hange Zoe with Moblit Berner by her side. "Is everyone okay? We'll deal with Ymir later. And Connie... Later, I'll arrange for a Scout Squad to investigate your village. For the time being, I want you to focus on the mission to fix the wall. Got it?" Hange said then clasped Connie by the shoulder.

"Got it!" Connie exclaimed, showing his respect to the higher up.

Hange decided to resume her walk and went on the edge of the wall to look at the village and tress below. "Still, I'm expecting Titans to swarm this place. Huh?"

That's when, they saw three horses approaching with Garrison soldiers riding them.

"Mr. Hannes?" Mikasa whispered to herself.

"It's the Garrison's advance squad. They've come to tell us where the hole is." Hange gasped out in surprise.


As Hange and the others went to the Garrison soldiers, Connie decided to go over to Y/N's to check on her.

After that fight in the castle, the soldiers took Y/N on a stretcher and placed her on the wheels pulled by the horses, separating her from Jean and Connie.

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