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Third Person's Point of View

"Yeah, basically that's it. Complicated, huh?"

"Meh. I've seen worse. But your life's a bummer, girl." Ymir joked, snorting once when she laughed at Y/N expression after saying her life's not the worst Ymir have seen.

Y/N eyed her a few moments before scoffing. "Why, how 'bout you? I was plain honest with you and gave you the summary of my shitty life for ten minutes and you never told me anything about yourself. Come on! Who knows? I think your life was shittier than mine."

She nudged Ymir on the rib as a joke a tad harder than expected and shoved the woman with short hair on the side.

An angry expression formed on Ymir's face but she didn't hit back as she recovered from her best friend's nudge.

"Ow! You forget about your strength. Now that I heard some parts about you, at least some things make sense now unlike before." Ymir rolled her eyes before sighing, stretching her arms and back.

"I just told you about it because I just felt like it. Tell me. I look trust worthy, don't I?" Y/N gave Ymir a cheesy grin, wiggling her eyebrows like caterpillars dancing.

Ymir's eyebrows furrowed and her lip curled to a snarl with disgust before replying. "You fucking serious? You always look like you're going to con someone." 

Sighing, Ymir laid down the concrete.

"Yuck, you're lying there?" Y/N said, making a gagging sound before being caught off guard by her best friend, dragging her down the concrete.

"Jeez, way too aggressive, mommy. We have all the time for this." Y/N jokingly flirted, slinging a leg on Ymir's torso as she covered her nose to stop a snort from coming out.

She knows that Ymir will be once again disgusted, as Y/N's just trying to push a lot of Ymir's buttons.

Ymir took Y/N's leg off as she answered. "Your clean freak side is showing, Y/N. Dial it down. Okay, fine. My name's not Ymir too. I mean, I didn't have a name nor a family in the first place. It was a name given to me by the people who adopted me. Ymir was the name of an important person in their family.

 Ymir said, staring up at the sky. Y/N turned to her side and looked up at Ymir through her lashes.

"Ooh, twinning. Team Orphans for the win." Y/N finger gunned with a wink, making Ymir laugh lightly. "Yeah, what is up with the two of us? I got adopted, you got adopted because you were orphaned."

Y/N sat up from her position and looked down on Ymir. "I don't know. Maybe life hates kids. Here."

The girl offered a hand out of nowhere, making Ymir's forehead wrinkle.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ymir laughed, blowing Y/N off.

"I'm doing something cheesy and it's gonna be my first and last. I figured new introductions should be offered. Nice to meet you, my name's not Y/N." She introduced herself half-ly as a joke but seriously eyed Ymir to shake it.

"This is ridiculous. Shouldn't I address you by your real name now?" Ymir shot an eyebrow up, making Y/N whine.

"Never in a million years. Don't be a killjoy and just take it." Y/N urged again.

When she didn't see Ymir move a single inch, the girl lightly punched her best friend on the boob, prompting the woman to wail out. "Ow, you shit head! Fine, fine!"

"Was that so hard?" Y/N teased, smirking.

Ymir sent her a deadly glare as she scrambled to sit up then sighed under her breath. "Fine. Nice to meet you too, my name's not Ymir."

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