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Third Person's Point of View

"In the end, it seems they never found whoever used the ODM gear without permission." Gunther tells Eld, the two hanging around outside the castle casually sipping the drinks on their hands.

"Who could it have been?" Gunther asked a question.

"Beats me. Right now, I'm more worried about the upcoming rookie solicitation. How many rookies will be willing to join us just for the hell of it?" Eld answered to Gunther, who's sitting on the stairs of the castle.

"Hey, Eren. Is there anyone in your class who's thinking of joining us?" Gunther asked to the younger male, who's busy feeding the horse on the stables with a small wooden bucket on his hands.

Must be the captain's orders.

After all, chores are all he's been doing for the past few days.

"There are." Eren replied with enthusiasm, but his mood later shifted to a melancholy, remembering the happenings of past events.

"Well, there were. I'm not sure about now." Eren replied in a weak voice, looking down on the horse he's feeding.

He's sure that most of his friends must've changed their minds.

It's the first time they all encountered a Titan, and that kind of situation will leave someone scarred.

So far, Y/N's the only person brave enough to fight alongside him. Hell, the girl didn't even care that he's a Titan.

Eren thought that maybe that's just how Y/N is, mysterious enough that he doesn't know why she even joined the Corps.

She used to bully him for being too passionate for the Corps, but there she is, on the same squad as him.

"By the way, where's Y/N? I haven't seen her today." Eld asked, putting his hand on his chin, looking thoughtful.

Eren tried to think when he last saw Y/N.

'Y/N? I think...', Eren thought harder and remembered that he saw Y/N on the hallway earlier near the Commander's office. Before Eren can respond, Gunther already replied.

"I think she's with Commander Erwin and the others." Gunther replied, answering in Eren's place.

'Ah, so that's why she was there.'

"Huh? Commander Erwin? Why would he take Y/N with him when she's still a rookie? Eren's here with us." Eld asked again, confused on why their commander took Y/N with him.

The only senior member Erwin took from the Levi squad is Petra, why should he include Y/N?

Footsteps of a stallion can be heard, and a loud voice shouted from the distance.


Eld and Gunther quickly ran and stood side by side to display their respect to the captain who just arrived on his black thoroughbred using their salute.

"Make ready at once! We're going on patrol!" The captain commanded, not getting off of his horse.

"Yes, Sir!" The two shouted.

Seeing the two display their respects, Eren ran to Eld's side and displayed his salute too.

"Good morning, Captain Levi!"

"Listen, Eren. Don't fall more than two lengths behind. You're only around because I'm watching you. Don't forget that." Levi says quite harshly as he looked down at the boy.

"Yes, Sir!"

"Yes, Sir!"

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