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Damn, I don't even like Valentines because I'm single as fuck.

But I figured that I wanted to make something to y'all.

To all the single readers out there, I dedicate this for you.

This is an AU continuing to the Captain Shorty's Birthday Special because why the fuck not?

This is gonna be short since I hate Valentines :'>

Y/N L/N's Point of View

"Hey, Y/N. Valentines is coming up, do you have plans with that boyfriend of yours?" Ymir asked me as I put my clothes to the washing machine.

It's my laundry day today but even though I begged everyone to NOT visit me because the house is too messy, this damned lesbian still came to my house.


I sighed after putting all the last batch of colored clothing inside the machine and turned to Ymir. "Why are you asking?"

She shrugged and bit the Pocky stick resting happily on her hand.

"Because if you don't have any plans, you could come with Krista and I." She said and chewed on the chocolate.

This bitch is sitting atop the counter inside the bathroom with a fucking chocolate in her hand. Isn't she grossed out? But the most shitty thing about Ymir is that, she didn't even offered to help me with my laundry.

The audacity! I washed the clothes she left in the house from the last time she was here, let her walk around the house with her shoes on, and that box of Pocky isn't even hers! It's mine!

Sometimes I even wonder why she's my bestfriend.

"Again? I think you forgot that you two dragged me along with your dates for two fucking years because you said 'Y/N is in need of company' when I actually don't. You just wanted to remind me how single I am." I answered with a scoff.

She laughed and clapped her hands in glee. "But you enjoyed it, right?"

"Enjoy my ass. The only good thing you did for me was pay for my food at the restaurant." I rolled my eyes at her.

"So you do have plans?" She said and jumped off the counter to put the empty box of Pocky into the trashcan.

Thank God, she remembered to clean up.

"I actually don't know. Levi and I haven't talked about any plans. He's busy with University, and I'm busy with the entrance exams. It's already February, Ymir. Aren't you signing up for cram school?" I asked her and crossed my arms.

It's been 2 months since Levi and first dated.

After Christmas day, we did went on a date. It was good, because finally, we weren't bickering like cats and dogs.

After the date, we went to Mika's house to spend the night.

To my surprise, Aunt Kuchel kept on asking me to spill the tea with her. Like, what happened, how did the date go, and stuff like that.

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