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Third Person's Point of View

"Why are you dressed like that?" Annie asked Armin with her usual stone cold voice, and the blonde boy immediately responded back.

"I'm a cargo carrier. I'm hiding ODM equipment under this rain gear. See?" Armin pulled his cloak up to show Annie the said gear for his proof.

Seeing the ODM gear, Annie's blue eyes widened for a moment from shock.

She doesn't know why Armin is doing all of this but still, she felt the need to ask. "What is this about?"

Armin put down the cover on his head and called out her name before stating his real intentions as to why he sought out the girl in the first place. "Annie. Could you help us let Eren escape?"

"Escape to where? Defying the government's orders... Where is there to run inside these walls?" Annie retorted, almost scoffing internally.

She's right. There is no future inside those walls. It's all filled with people waiting for someone to end their misery and naiveness.

"We just need to hide him for a while. We won't be explicitly rebelling against the government. It'll basically be an act of defiance by part of the Scout Regiment. We're going to buy enough time to gather some things that will unquestionably overturn the council's say in the matter."

"Overturn it? There's really something that handy? How are you so sure?"

Armin looked down, his teeth clenched together while his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I'm sorry. I can't say."

Annie closed her eyes and sighed, tilting her face down towards the ground as if she was disappointed with Armin's answer. "Sorry, but I can't accept. I won't tell anyone, though. Good luck."

The blonde girl turned around and had already started to walk away when Armin called for her again.

"Annie! Please! They're going to kill Eren!"

She stopped in her tracks, waiting for Armin to speak again, to try to convince her to help them.

"A bunch of people who know nothing are unwittingly pushing humanity toward the brink of self-extinction simply to save their own necks! I realize it sounds less than convincing. But, even so, we have no choice but to bet everything now! Of course, we'll try hard not to cause you trouble. But we absolutely need the Military Police's help to sneak him through Wall Sina's security checkpoint. This is our only option left."

She looked over her shoulder in order to look at him, her half-lidded open eyes boring into Armin's like fire. "Tell me. Do I look like that good of a person to you?"

Her question made Armin look down in embarrassment as he tried to figure out of a response that would convince Annie to help them.

The Scout Regiment's plan cannot be executed if Annie won't be able to come with them.

Armin has to find a good way to get her to come along.

Or else, things will surely turn out for the worst.

"A good person... Actually, I've never been fond of phrasing it that way. Because to me, it feels like it's only used to refer to people you use for your own convenience. And I don't think there's anyone who's convenient to everyone. Which is why, if you do say no to this, that would make you a bad person in my eyes."

Annie looked at the blonde boy full of wonder, hiding underneath her almost soulless looking eyes, before looking down at her feet without saying anything.

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