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Third Person's Point of View

"There's so many people!" Armin marveled. The interior's plaza is full of banners, and bustling people. So many families are celebrating the fast approaching holiday on the Plaza, buying gifts for each other. It's very festive, full of joyous energy.

The group consisted of Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Marco, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, Krista, Reiner, Berthold, Y/N and Captain Levi. Sadly, Hange couldn't go because she wanted to spend time with Sawney and Bean. They begged her to come but she said, "No! Who would accompany my babies?!"

Y/N ran around the concrete and spun herself around, arms outstretched. She laughs as she does so, her face facing up to the sky. It's snowing in December, and snow came down from the sky, little snowflakes settling in her jet-black hair and her face.

Her friends looked at her with a smile on their faces.

"You don't see Y/N like that everyday." Sasha said and giggled lightly.

"What, like a child?" Levi said and rolled his eyes.

"No, genuine. You didn't live with her for three years, captain. She always act like a jerk, but she's really having fun right now." Krista said and looked at the girl.

"At least, she's having fun without anyone's expense." Ymir said and laughed.

"What are you doing standing there?! Come on!" Y/N shouted from the distance. She went back to her friends and pulled Levi. Her friends had shocked faces, in their mind telling the girl to cut it out.

His hand used to rest inside his pocket but now it's being held by Y/N's small ones.

Her friends just sighed and let her do what she wants. It's not like she can do anything she wants, as their Captain is with her. There's no way Levi would let her have her fun, right?

"Tsk. You brought me here to have fun or have things your way?" He said, but letting the girl lead him around the Plaza. "Both! My way is always fun!" She cheered and laughed.

"That high class tea better be worth it, L/N." He said and rolled his eyes as they walked.

"It's so good! You'll have to believe me, Shorty."

"Good? How and when have you tasted it?" The captain asked, but was given a laugh as a response. "That's a story for later, Captain Shorty."

After a few minutes of walking around the crowded Plaza, Y/N settled in front of a chocolate shop. "Of all the places you could take me, you picked here?" Levi asked, unamused. The girl must know that Levi hate sweets right?

"Chill your ass, captain. You're going to love it!" Still holding Levi's hand, she used her free hand to open the store's door. The smell of chocolate is in the air, inviting themselves to Y/N's and Levi's nostrils.

The store have no customers at the moment but judging from the small batch of chocolates inside the display, you could tell that the store was crowded earlier. The curtain behind the counter opened and a lady on her 40's or 50's eyes', with white hair and medium build, eyes widened after seeing the two.

"Y/N!" She walked really fast to get to the customers' area, practically running, and wrapped the petite girl in a tight hug. Y/N let go of Levi's hand and returned the hugging gesture to the sweet woman.

"Mama Vita! It's been so long!" The girl cheered, her face resting on the taller woman's chest.

Mama Vita pulled away and squished her cheeks. "You don't look like you grew up at all, dear." She said and smiled. Noticing the figure next to Y/N, her eyes filled with wonder.

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