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Third Person's Point of View

"We can't go on, Captain! It's just us now!" One of the Garrison regiment shouted to her superior, Rico Brzenska, who's standing right next to her.

The two women stood atop a roof, where just in front of them... is one of their comrade being eaten alive by a Titan. Adrenaline is pumping inside their bodies, as they are too desperate to live on to do their part of the mission.

Rico shuddered in anger and frustration before shouting out her response.

"Let's fall back to the rock for now! Where the hell is L/N when you need her?!"


"Hey asshole!"

Y/N went in the way, setting herself in front of Jean, putting her arms out protectively of him.

Jean turned around, seeing Y/N protecting him, with her back turned on him.

"Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?!" He shouted, but the girl ignored him. She ran towards the farthest that she can until the Titan followed her even just this time.

Even with her situation, she pushed herself to run as fast as she can so she give more time to Jean. She won't leave him, even if it'll make him mad in the process.

Why would she leave Jean?

He's one of the most important people in her life, one of the people who made her feel human.

"Get the gear, Trost boy!" Y/N shouted as she ran as fast as she could.

Jean swallowed the lump on his throat and did what Y/N told him to do even though he doesn't want to. But this is the right opportunity, he just have to seize it.

He turned back to the dead soldier and tried to take the gear out again but his arms stopped moving and his body froze when he heard Y/N shriek loudly, a few feet away from him.


He turned around in an instant, seeing Y/N on the hands of the Titan that used to follow him. She was doing fine on the distraction until she got another cramp on her thigh, catching her off guard.

That was the moment the Titan got to her.

"JEAN, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, GET THE GEAR!" Y/N screamed as she trashed on the Titan's grip, her hands straining on trying to release the grip from her.

Jean couldn't move, he didn't know what to do.

She's so close, yet so far away from him.

Even if he wants to save Y/N, he can't, because he doesn't have any gear on.

If he turns his body around and did what he was told... the outcome will still be the same.

Y/N will die either way.

"Jean! Stay calm!" Another voice rang out on the area.

It was Marco Bodt.

He flew down from the same wall he was with Annie and Connie a few moments ago, using his omnidirectional gear and distracted the Titan while Y/N still trashed on its grip.


She managed to pull her blades out and cut the fingers of the Titans using all the strength she has from both of her hands.

The Titan let go of her and she landed on the floor, quickly turning around to look back at Jean with a grim expression.

"TROST BOY! JUST DO IT! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! DON'T WORRY ABOUT US!" She shouted with a death glare. 

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