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Third Person's Point of View

"Such persistence, I'll give you that. If you want to keep on pursuing me, go ahead. But don't expect me to return the favor." He said, as he looked back at the girl sitting next to him.

"Aye, aye, captain." She replied, making a salute gesture and stared off to the distance. Levi did too, and they stayed like that for a couple more minutes that felt like eternity. It was peaceful, none of them are saying anything. It did make Levi suspicious of Y/N, as she's not speaking a word.

From what he have seen earlier, he thought of her as a loud mouth. 

'Maybe she is decent, after all.', he thought.

"Right, I'm going to head in." The girl said as she shifted her position so she could stand up. Before Levi can react, Y/N already pressed a kiss on his forehead and ruffled his hair.

"What the fuck!" He shouted as he took out his white handkerchief and cleaned his forehead.

Y/N took a quick look at what he's doing and smiled widely with her eyes almost closing.

"You just got kissed by a goddess, be thankful!" She shouts as she hurried away. If she stayed longer there, Levi might've killed her on the spot. He watched as her figure faded away into the darkness, leaving him alone on his thoughts.

"That fucking brat. I take back what I said." He muttered as he continued wiping his forehead. Even though there's no residue of her lips coming in contact with his forehead, Levi didn't like it. Who would? A stranger pressing her lips on your skin is not exactly desirable.

Y/N walked past the mess hall and she bumped into someone there.

"Oh, Trost boy. Walking back?" She asked coolly, her hands resting inside her jacket's pockets.

"Yeah." He said, not being able to look at her in the eye.

"Uh oh. Don't tell me that the reason you're being all flustered is because I kissed you on the cheek?" She asked and nudged him on the ribs.

"Ow! Shitty Y/N, I think you forgot about your strength. Your nudges hurt, y'know." He said and looked straight as they walked together.

"You didn't answer my question." Y/N said once more, looking at him in his side profile. The boy accidentally made eye contact and became a stuttering mess.

"S-Shut up. T-That's not true..." He said as he looked down. The girl stopped walking and so, Jean did too. She looked him in the eye and said...

"Oh my God, don't tell me that was your first kiss?" 

A moment of silence.

After, the place was occupied by a woman's laughter. "Oh, shit! It is, isn't it?!" She spoke in between laughs. Jean smacked her in the head and replied despite his blood rushing in his cheeks.

"No it's not! My mom kisses me in the cheek!" He shouts, which made Y/N laugh more.

"That didn't helped your case! God, this is so funny!" She laughed. As much as Jean hated her making fun of him, her laughter go through to him. He laughed too, even though he's practically making fun of himself.

They walked to the cabins like that until Y/N has to get inside.

"I'll get inside now, Trost boy. Good night, and don't let the titans bite." She finger guns him and winked as she head inside.

Jean shook his head with a smile as he walked away from Y/N's cabin.

'Sweet dreams, shitty Y/N.', he thought and walked back into his own cabin.

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