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Third Person's Point of View

Y/N proceeded to do what she does best-- kill those damned Titans.

She was doing really well. As for obvious reasons, she's determined to protect the people inside this castle.

She can't afford to lose her cool and be on edge.

Plain old cold, ruthless, and aggressive Y/N who uses her logic is the one they all need right now, not this new Y/N who turned soft.

Y/N proceeded to kill one after another as fast as she could but god damn, do those Titans kept coming.

"Where the hell are they coming from?! It's like a whole village party in here!" Y/N screamed in frustration as she buried her grappling hooks to a six-meter Titan and quickly sliced the nape.

"Keep up the work, L/N! You're doing great!" Nanaba shouted, a few meters away from the girl.

"What do you expect?! I'm not the first rank graduate for nothing!" Y/N looked over her shoulder to shoot Nanaba a sly smile, but her smirk didn't last long when she saw a small Titan on the window of the castle next to Reiner.

Y/N hurried to get to him but before she can even arrive, the Titan had already sunk its teeth to Reiner's arm. Connie came to Reiner's rescue soon enough, slicing the mouth of the Titan with a knife.

Everyone thought that they're all in the clear when Connie showed up, but they were wrong.

The Titan resisted Connie and even had the nerve to stand in front of the Cadets, eager to make them Titan chow.

Fuming in anger, Ymir dealt a powerful kick on the Titan, sending it flying out the window. It collapsed on the ground, groaning, as Y/N went over there to make sure it'll stay dead.

With one slice on the nape, it died on Y/N's hands.

"Thank you, Y/N!" Connie thanked the girl by the window, with Y/N sending him a wink as a response.


Connie hit the wooden pole with a brick a lot of times in order to sink it further to the door, along with Ymir while Bertholdt held a torch for light.

"What will we do if another comes through? We won't be lucky enough to kill a second one." Connie says, his eyes boring to the pole as he hit it a bunch more times.

"Yes, I'm with you there." Bertholdt replied, his eyes wandering to his right.

In his right, there's Krista who's assisting an injured Reiner, opening the bottle of booze Gelgar found on the crate a couple minutes back. She poured a generous amount on Reiner's Titan bite and he instantly hissed from the pain.

"Sorry. I'm sorry. I think it's broken." Krista apologizes, her eyes focused on the blonde's arm.

"Yes, just my luck."

"We'll need a splint and a bandage. Ah, I know." Krista stood up with a frown on her face, ripping apart her skirt.

Reiner's eyes stared intently on Krista's leg with an indescribable expression on his face, earning a disgusted look from Ymir.

"Sorry. All I've got is this dirty cloth. Sorry." Krista muttered again, her eyes shaking to keep herself from crying.

"N-No, it helps." Reiner replied, looking away from shyness.

'I've got to marry her.', Reiner thought to himself.

"Are you alright, Reiner?" Connie asked, putting his hands on his waist as Ymir and Bertholdt stood next to him.

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