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Third Person's Point of View

"Those things... they just kept coming. It's a nightmare!" Daz freaked in front of Marco Bodt, hugging his legs and knees. The boy looked down on him in pity as he tried to calm the frantic boy down.

"Take it easy." Marco said, his face worried.

"I watched those monsters eat my squad, I saw my friends die! I didn't even really feel anger or sadness about the whole thing!" Upon hearing this, Sasha Blouse looked at him with wide eyes, petrified.

"All I could think was, 'Better you than me!' But soon..." Daz said, and clutched his own head, pressing his palms on his cheeks with so much force.

He's been crying non stop for the last few minutes and he's now slowly losing his sanity, pretty much like every other freshly new graduate right about now.

"My number will be up too, that'll be it. The end. Kaput. Game over. We're supposed to fight those Titans until they eat every last one of us! I don't wanna be eaten. Screw that!" He continued to freak out and pulled his blade out from his gear, attempting to kill himself.

"Hey! Come on! Keep it together, okay?! You're not alone, you know! We're all fighting back our fear!" Marco pulled Daz to his arms to stop him from stabbing himself and tried to reason with him.

"Look at Sasha! Even after what she's seen, she remains a proper soldier!" Marco shifted his body so Daz could take a look at Sasha who's sitting silently on the sides.

Sasha staggered in front and she let out a pained outcry.

"Oh... My stomach aches. Please cart me away with the wounded!" She complained as she clutched her stomach. Marco and Daz looked at her with shocked faces as they couldn't believe Sasha's behavior. 

She seems to be the only girl who would rather die than starve from food.

Y/N, who's leaning her back on the wall beside Sasha looked at the whole ordeal with an expressionless face but she suddenly cracked a smile after hearing Sasha whine.

Daz pulled his blade out again and elbowed Marco in the guts.

"Lemme die! I just wanna die!"

"Hold on! Stop it!" Marco tried to take Daz' blade but he couldn't from the thrashing boy.

Y/N stepped out of the dim shadows and shook her head with a smile on her face as she approached Marco and Daz.

"Now, now. You two boys are getting too rowdy." Y/N said calmly and held Daz' shaking hands with her own.

"Come on, give me the blade." She said in a gentle and reassuring voice, offering her palm to him. Marco looked at her weirdly but didn't mind it as long as Y/N is there to help. 

Daz was confused as to why Y/N was being nice to him, when she threatened him 3 years ago.

Still, he calmed down and offered Y/N the blade with his shaking hands.

"That's right..." Y/N said and took it from him with an innocent smile on her face.

All to sudden, the moment she got the blade, she threw it across the space and head butted Daz with all her might and laughed when he staggered back in unsteadiness.

"Oh, I've been waiting for you to mess up Dazzy boy!"

She laughed again and advanced on him, landing a right hand hook on his jaw. Daz fell to the ground and scoot himself to the wall as if it'll shield him from Y/N L/N.

"Y/N! Stop it!" Marco held her wrist back but she easily took his grasp off of her, making sure not to hurt him, and took another step forward a weeping Daz. 

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