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Third Person's Point of View

"Hey! Time to go!" Levi called for Mikasa, with Eren being carried on his two strong arms as he landed on a nearby tree.

"Eren!" Mikasa muttered with a small smile on her lips, grateful that Eren is alive.

Y/N landed beside the captain, blood also evaporating on her cheek as her annoyed expression stayed the same.

"He seems fine. He's filthy, but alive. Forget about her now. We need to withdraw." Levi commanded and gave a side eye to the smoking Female Titan, who doesn't look like it can move at all from the attacks it sustained from the members of Survey Corps.

"Let go, you midget! I'm holding him!" Y/N tugged on Eren's slimy body to get him, not being bothered by the mucus like texture covering the unconscious boy.

The Captain won't budge and proceeded to ignore her, not letting her take Eren and continuing to talk with Mikasa

"Don't lose sight of what this operation is about. Is wallowing in self-indulgence more important? He's a dear friend to you, isn't he?" Levi lastly spoke and kicked himself off, flying away.

"No... I'm..." Mikasa whispered to herself and Y/N gave her a dirty look.

"Stop spacing out, rank one! We're heading out!" Y/N said through gritted teeth, following Captain Levi.

The three went over to the air, the atmosphere really tensed.

Levi is very much annoyed by the nicknames Y/N has been giving him ever since that morning they departed.

She really is a brat, with no respect to anyone even to her superiors.

Y/N caught up beside the Captain on his left, still carrying Eren.

"Seriously! You're too stubborn for someone who's in a lot of pain. Let me carry him!" Y/N scowled on him and forcefully took Eren from his grasp, now successful into doing so.

Levi rolled his eyes, just letting the brat do the dirty work for him.

Of course, he doesn't want to be near that disgusting thing that Eren is in so he let Y/N carry the kid.

"Were you out of your mind, shorty?! You're really gonna get yourself killed if you fight while you're injured!" The girl continued to scold him.

If she doesn't have Eren on her arms, she would've smacked Levi on the head out of annoyance too.

For him to be irresponsible and getting himself hurt by interfering and shifting his weight badly, she's very much disappointed.

This is the first time Y/N ever got worked up, be it in her training or this mission.

She always have a smirk plastered on her lips to indicate that she's calm all throughout the task but this is that one instance that she isn't.

Annoyed, Levi finally answered her.

"You're talking about getting myself killed when you're the one who almost died? Tch." Levi answered, dusting himself off while they're up in the air.

He couldn't stand the slimy thing on his arms, and he's so desperate to get back in the walls to clean himself off of it.

Y/N was about to shout at him again when Mikasa intercepted their heated conversation. Er... her heated words.

"Y/N! How are you alive?!" Mikasa asked.

The captain have told her that Y/N's dead already, so how come she's here, being her absurd self as usual?

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