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Third's Person's Point of View

"An expedition thirty days from now to establish a logistic base outside the wall... and newly-graduated rookies will be participating too?" Mike mutters, as he stood a few feet away from Erwin, looking outside the window.

The sun is already setting in Trost, but Erwin is still working. He's drawing the plans for the next expedition, the formation of the Survey Corps members once they go outside the walls again.

"Assuming any rookies do join us." Erwin replied.

Erwin's answer caught Mike's attention and the bearded man turned around to face him. "Whatever the case, this all seems a bit too hasty if you ask me."

Erwin looked on the paper, his eyes downcast.

"Eren's current treatment is only temporary. We need to demonstrate to the central powers as quickly as possible that his existence is beneficial for humankind. Otherwise, the Military Police or someone else will interfere again--"

"Are you using rhetoric on me too, Erwin?" Mike replied, one of his hand resting on his waist. Erwin turned his body around, meeting Mike's eyes and then smiled.

"I see your nose is as sharp as ever, Mike."

"Not as sharp as yours, though. You knew L/N isn't going to choose the Military Police at all, didn't you?" Mike asked, looking too serious on the topic they're going in.

"Yes." Erwin replied shortly.

"Given that these someone else might interfere, you took L/N to the Survey Corps' side to minimize the situation, didn't you? How would that work out? Are you even sure she will behave accordingly to your plans?" Mike asked, his eyes silently pleading for an answer from Erwin.

 Erwin's face relaxed and answered like he's not bothered at all.

"I'll fill you in when the time is right." He said, and got back to his work.


That night on the Old Survey Corps castle...

The Levi squad is seated on the table with glasses of tea in front of them.

It was Y/N who brewed all of it, since Oluo nagged that rookies must tend to their superior's needs. Surprisingly, Y/N didn't complain and just did her job.

She seemed like she did a good job on brewing the tea for everyone, as everyone's not spitting it out just yet.

Their captain sat on the end of the table, with Y/N and Eren on the other side of it. On the long side of the table, is Petra and Oluo sitting next to each other, while Eld and Gunther sat on the opposite side.

The captain put his tea cup down and hear out Eld.

"I assume our orders to remain on standby will last for a few more days,  but I hear they're planning a major expedition beyond the wall thirty days from now."

Eld looked unbelievably bothered as he continues on. "And that fresh graduates are going to participate right off the bat too."

"Is that true, Eld? That seems pretty sudden to me, especially since the rookies already had to endure this latest Titan attack." Gunther replied, his eyebrows furrowed.

Oluo looked smug at the whole ordeal, even putting his cup up as he spoke. "I bet those brats were scared out of their wits." And then drank his tea.

Petra looked at Levi with alarmed eyes for confirmation. "Is this true, Sir?"

Levi has his right arm resting on the back post of the chair, his free arm's fist closed.

"I'm not in charge of coming up with missions. But, knowing Erwin, he's put far more thought into this than we have."

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