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Third Person's Point of View

"Let's get fucking wasted!" Y/N shouted, raising her cup of alcohol. The others from her table joined in the cheer and raised their cups as well.

"And because we're graduating, I have something I'd like to do for all of you motherfuckers! Something special!" She said with a blushing face. She's getting too excited now, something that the cadets never expected from her.

Just minutes ago she was calling out some other graduate and mocked Eren Jaeger for delivering a speech.

She pulled three bottles of alcohol from under the table. She placed the two bottles in the table and held the remaining one.

"What?! Did you stole that?" Jean asked, alarmed that the higher ups will see them sneaking a bottle of alcohol from the inventory. Before he could hide the bottles, Y/N already opened the bottle and drank straight from the bottle.

Jean scrambled and took the bottle away from her hands. "What the fuck, Jean?!" She asked with a scowl, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I said, where did you get this?" He asked, his eyes glaring at her.

"Jeez. I wouldn't be showing that off if I stole that, right?" She sarcastically said and took back the bottle and closed the cap.

"Then how did you get your hands on that?" Connie asked her, grinning.

"I have friends outside, you know. They sent me this as a graduation gift. Just be fucking grateful, would ya?" Y/N said.

"You're starting to act like that guy from Survey Corps. You hung out with him too much when they were still here." Ymir said with a judgmental face and snatched the bottle. She opened the cap, and took a swig from the bottle.

"No, I'm not. That shorty don't know how to party and I am the best at partying." Y/N said with a proud grin, emphasizing the term 'the best'.

"If what you say is true, then let's get hella drunk!" Sasha cheered and took the bottle from Ymir, taking a sip. She almost choke because of the alcohol's taste, catching her off guard.

"I think we'll have more fun if the others are here. Eren, Mikasa and Armin doesn't always join us." Krista said worriedly. Ymir rested her arm on Krista's shoulders and replied with an irritated expression.

"Why do you care so much about them? Are you trying to be nice again? Pity wouldn't help them."

"I'm just saying..." Krista added, her eyes downcast.

"What Mimir is trying to say is, we could have fun even without them. It's their loss, not ours." Y/N butt in and gave her an innocent smile, drinking from her cup of alcohol that the cafeteria people gave them earlier.

"Why do you hate them so much?" Krista asked.

"And why does everybody thinks I hate them? I don't. Our personalities just don't match. Besides, Mika-chan and blondie is acceptable for me. That Jaeger kid just gets in my nerves." Y/N said and rolled her eyes.

Jean locked her head in a headlock and moved her back and forth.

"Now, you're ruining the party! I say fuck him and let's start drinking our ass off."

"I will never fuck him."

"Now, that's a usual Y/N answer!"


"Y'all are such dumbfucks if you think I'll get wasted easily." Y/N said and shoot them a cheshire cat grin after she took a swig from the bottle.

"Aren't you though?" Sasha joked and nudged her by the shoulder.

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