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Third Person's Point of View

"Back into that Hell again...?" Daz mutters, his eyes downcast, replaying every death of his comrade that happened before him. 

"No! I don't wanna die!" He shouted and clutched his head tightly, making Marco and a bunch others turn to look at him.

"Let me see my family!" He shouted once more.

"Hey, Daz! Not so loud!" Marco pleaded, desperate for his friend to shut the hell up or else they'll get punished. Not only that, but they'll spread hysteria to the other much, calmer cadets.

"You, there! I heard that!" One of their commanding officers turned and walked towards Daz' direction. "Do you intend to abandon your duty?!"

"Yes, I do! There's nothing to be had or gained by this pointless act of mass suicide!"

The officer placed his hand on his blade, ready to draw it out and kill Daz.

"What do you take humanity for?! Rules for?! It's within my authority to execute you on the spot, you know!"

Daz took his blade out too, saying, "That's fine by me! It's a hundred times better than getting eaten by Titans!"

Marco quickly held him by the shoulder, as the weak man closed his eyes in defeat with tears on his eyes. "Stop, Daz!"

"Stop! Let go! I refuse to get back to that Hellhole!"

"If Y/N is here, she'll beat you up again!" Marco reasoned in anger, but his words won't get through to that thick skull of his.

He sighed.


"It is said that before the Titans ruled the land, humankind consisted of people of different races and creeds, and that they perpetually fought with and killed each other." Pyxis says as he walked on top of the wall with Eren Jaeger, and his newly found favorite soldier, Y/N L/N.

Commander Pyxis handed Y/N another flask after their talk a few minutes ago, commemorating the 'respect' and 'friendship' they formed in the span of a few minutes.

It was a gift, from him to her.

She takes a sip from her flask as she listens to the conversation of the two men.

"Supposedly someone back then said that if a powerful enemy that wasn't human ever appeared, humanity would likely cease its fighting and come together as one. What is your opinion?" He asks Eren in a calm manner.

"I'd never heard of that story before. I'd say... it's a pretty laid-back attitude. It's enough to make me yawn." Eren replied honestly and Pyxis laughed, making Y/N look at them weirdly.

"You have a twisted mind, just like me." Pyxis looked back at Eren as the three walked.

"I've heard of that." Y/N said with a bored voice, closing the lid of the flask she's holding and joined in on the conversation.

She's been quiet for the past few minutes, and it is so not her brand.

"You have?" The commander asked her with an amused smile.

"Yeah. My old man used to tell me that story. That is why people look different than others. Some have blonde hair, some have red, some have brown, and some have black." Y/N said and turned her head to the side, her dull eyes looking over the city down below.

"Even now, when a powerful enemy has driven us into a corner, I would hardly say that we've 'come together'." Eren said, disregarding Y/N and focused on his conversation with the commander.

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