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Third Person's Point of View

"L/N, what the hell?" Eren said, storming in the mess hall as the girl takes a sip from her morning coffee.

"Good morning to you too, Jaeger." She greeted with a smile.

Eren took something from his pocket and slammed the object to the table.

"Tying me up. Really?" He said with a scowl and crossed his arms.

"What about it? It looks good on you. You looked like a dog in a leash. Only, the ropes are in your feet." She calmly said and took a sip from her cup again.

"You tied too tightly. They left bruises on my skin." He said, still glaring at the girl.

"No, I did not. I have excellent tying skills and I remember leaving out enough space for your little ankles. You probably moved around too much that it got tighter. Not my problem, boo." She said, unbothered, finally finishing her cup of coffee.

"If you would excuse me, I'll get back to my usual annoying-the-higher-ups shenanigans. They probably miss me. Unlike you, who they don't even notice." She said and stood up, patted the boy twice in his shoulders and left.

"L/N, come back here!" Eren called.

"Call Mika-chan, she'll appreciate your whining!"


The day went on like a blur.

After spending time in the Survey Corps for a few days, Y/N didn't spent much time with them after. Urgent matters came to the Commanders and had to leave earlier than the date. Their one week stay became a much shorter vacation.

Before the Survey Corps will cut their visit short, they invited Y/N for their last dinner together before they'll leave first thing in the morning.

"Y/N! I'm going to miss you!" Hange shouted, wrapping Y/N's small frame in her limbs, her face red. She's blushing not because of her usual cheeriness, but because she's been drinking for the last hour. Her normal self don't look that crazy right now.

"Hange-san, I know you love me but you don't have to choke me that hard. Captain Levi's the only one who can do that." She said and laughed loudly. The spoken Captain gave her a side eye and is too busy drinking his black tea on the table, who didn't even bothered to drink a single drop of alcohol unlike the other members.

Erwin has already went to bed after a few shots, being the responsible person that he is. While Mike... drinking is not actually his scene. And to answer your question, no. Y/N did not drink.

The only people in the table are Y/N, Hange, Moblit, and Levi.

"Tss. Thank the heaven's we're leaving this brat here." He said and took a sip from his tea again.

"Hange-san, you should stop squeezing Miss L/N like that." Moblit said and tried to tear Hange away from her grasp of Y/N but the girl is tough. 

She wouldn't let go. 

Moblit's face turned red in embarrassment when Hange buried her face in Y/N's chest.

"What, you don't lean straight?" Y/N joked and laughed, and combed her fingers in Hange's loose ponytail. 

"I don't wanna leave yet! hic!" She shouted, squeezing the girl even tighter.

"Relax. I already said I'm joining the Survey Corps. Just one last exam, and you'll see me again." Y/N smiled and patted Hange's back. Y/N felt hot liquid dripping in her chest and pulled Hange away, only to see her long sleeved shirt tear stained.

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