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Y/N L/N's Point of View

It was 6:30 PM sharp when I got home.

There are about two dozen people still doing the last touches on decorating all around the house.

Our front yard, that was usually barren and green, is now decorated with red roses shaped like a heart. On both of the sides of our porch, there are two ten-footer stick with balloons taped inside a huge vase. The stone path to our door also has a red carpet leading from the parking side of the street.

It is an understatement to say that my parents did all out on this because what decorates inside is what I'm terrified of the most.

I bit my nail out of sheer nervousness when I saw a bunch of tables scattered around the living room, each table with different platters of food for the buffet. There are also high tables for people to put their glasses of champagne later on.

There are tables covered with white cloth and about five-seats all around it, a folded card that has, presumably the name of the guests written in them on the middle.

On one side of the kitchen, there are baked cookies with white-chocolate on top, serving as a canvas and a red ball-pen looking thing that contains sweet strawberry jelly.

Probably the main attraction of the evening is the small makeshift stage on the living room, accompanied with a tall mic.

The workers didn't spare me a glance as I walked up the staircase with shame, clutching the paper bag in my hand.

I hate my mom so much.

Walking to my room, I saw the door of my parents' room open. I didn't mean to listen in on their conversation but I can't help but hear what they were talking about.

"Can you believe it? Y/N did that?" I heard my mom's voice. She scoffed for one second before I heard my dad chuckle. "You are overreacting, dear."

"I am not! I have every right to be this upset! And I-"

I can't.

I can't do this right now.

I don't want to be around her nor hear what she's saying about me when I'm not around.

I'd rather not get involved with her at all.

With a huff, I walked over to my room and cleaned up.

The only thing I'm looking forward to tonight is being with Levi and spending time with my friends.

If my parents are gonna take that away from me, my mom and dad and I will have a really serious talk.

After throwing my new dress on the washer and having it all dried up, I put it on and did my make-up.

Not to be a very mood-wrecker so I did a Valentine inspired make-up, using red eyeshadow, pinkish blush and bright red lipstick. Taylor Swift style.

I love her so much, her songs pretty much got me through all my pre-teen years.

I was already done with my make-up and shit when the phone rang. Without a second thought, I looked down and saw the name 'Shorty' on the caller I.D.

I tried to suppress the small smile creeping up on my lips but I can't.

"Hello?~" I sing-sang, pressing the phone between my ear and shoulder as I walked over to my walk-in closet, getting a golden colored heels and started to put them on my two feet, wriggling my toes to make them fit.

["Brat."] His gruff voice welcomed me.

"Hm?" I hummed, hissing occasionally as I have a hard time fitting my foot into the torture device. ["We're here."] He impatiently says, as I can hear his foot tapping the tiled floor in our call.

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