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Third Person's Point of View


The new recruits of Survey Corps from the 104th Cadet Corps stood in front of their superior, a deadpan expression displayed on their faces.

Given that they just submitted themselves in this damned situation, no wonder their faces would look like that.

"I'm Section Commander Ness, and this is my horse, Charrette. Charette likes to pull hair, so watch out if you don't wanna go bald. It's nice to meet you." Dieter Ness spoke with a smile on his lips, when suddenly, the said horse pulled the small white scarf on his head, tugging on it with its big teeth.

"You idiot! Stop that, Charette! Someone do something!" He asked for help, but the cadets stood without any movement.

It must be so hard to stop themselves from laughing at their superior.


Levi played with his horse, the stallion licking his hand affectionately as Gunther explained the plan to his co-members.

"Our special operations squad will be positioned here, on standby in the rear of the center rank." Gunther pointed to the map, with Eren seated beside him.

Petra crouched, her palms resting on her knees while Eld sat in front of Gunther.

Oluo listened in the conversation but was a few feet away, standing in front of his horse. His face displayed an annoyed expression, probably because he's imitating their captain's mannerisms again.

The last member of the Levi squad, Y/N L/N, is nowhere to be found.


"That's pretty far back." Eren replied, concerned.

"This is the safest position in the formation. Not even the supply wagons get this level of treatment. Our goal this time is simply to leave and come back, though." The tanned man said.

He continued, his eyes now fixated on the titan boy, both his knees resting on the grass. "This expedition is meant to be short, as it's also a test run to see if we can get you all the way to Shiganshina or not."

Hearing this, Eren's eyes widened but later on displayed worry. "Uhm... I still don't really know what to do with this ability of mine..."

"Do you understand what the commander asked you back then?"

"Huh? Do any of you know what he meant?" Eren asked, shifting his gaze from Gunther to Eld, who answered a "Nope".

And from him, he looked to Petra, who simply shook her head no.

"I'd be lying if I said I understood it at all but I-" Oluo butt in the conversation but no one seems to be listening to him.

He was trying to look really cool, looking all emo when Gunther interfered and a vein popped on his forehead, furious.

"It's impossible... there's another goal to this operation. But the commander decided it doesn't need to be explained to the soldiers. In which case, leaving and coming back is all we should focus on." Gunther acknowledged.

"How about that narcissistic kid? Maybe she knows something." Oluo spoke again, his hands now resting on his waist.

Oluo didn't dare utter her name. Because for him, he doesn't want to speak of the devil because she may come.

It's obvious that he and Y/N doesn't get along well.

The members of Levi squad who can take Y/N's attitude is probably Eld and Petra only.

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