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Third Person's Point of View

"So uh, we're done for the day. Remember to take your pain killers and don't try to move too much, okay?" The doctor reminded Y/N as he walked out of her room with his nurse in tow.

"Yay." Y/N cheered sarcastically, even throwing one hand up to show just how much enthusiasm she had for being notified that she'll be suspended for a while.

Alone, she looked on the side of her body with the freaking injury, mentally cursing herself for letting Eren hurt her when he was unconscious in his Titan form.

She could've done better into protecting herself, so why did he let Eren injure her?

Was it because she was afraid of hurting him?

"God damn it. Why did I have to be so careless?" She whispered to herself.

'It's not a fucking problem that I'm hurt. But damn, there might be some trouble cookin' up for me because of it. If I heal... ugh! This is stupid!', Y/N thought.

There was a sudden knock on her door that snapped Y/N out of her trance.

Y/N didn't even need to answer, as the person went inside her room themselves without permission.

"Hey, bestie. How are you doing?" Hange spoke with a sad tone as she let herself in.

"Horrible as usual. You came back sooner." Y/N mentioned with an expressionless face, noting that it has only been about 15 minutes since they last saw each other.

"Yeah. I figured we didn't have that much time to talk earlier. You looked like you wanted me to explain some things. So after Levi stormed off and your brother left, I waited outside your door until the doctor's done with your examination." Hange spoke, walking over to Y/N and sat on the seat next to her bed, the seat where Mason was sitting on just earlier.

"Kinda stalker-ish type of behavior but thanks, I guess." Y/N joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

She knows it to herself that she, herself, was bummed out about the whole operation. They went into great lengths just so they can defeat Annie but nothing fruitful even happened. Hange and the others must be feeling the same way as she does, disappointed with how things turned out.

"So... about earlier. You seemed pretty upset, huh. You screamed." Hange chuckled, teasing Y/N a little bit.

The smaller girl laughed.

"I'm not even going to try to hide it but yeah, I was upset. Angered. Frustrated. All the negative emotions you can think of. All of us are feeling this way, yeah? Are you sure she's not coming out of the crystal?" Y/N asked, staring at Hange with her usual dark colored eyes.

Her eyes were pleading for Hange to say no, or to even give her a small glimpse of hope that they'll have the justice they deserved. Y/N hoped that Hange will lie, even when she knows it's the most unconventional thing to do.

The glasses wearing women bowed her head low before saying, "I don't think she'll come out anytime soon."

A pair of small hands wrapped around Hange's, squeezing every few seconds. The tall female looked up, only to see Y/N sucking in her breath. "Even a tiny chance, Hange? Even just a little bit?"

Hange bit her lip for a second. "I'm sorry, Y/N... but no."

Y/N smiled once before letting out a deep sigh. "It was a long shot. But I was really hoping that I can at least chuck a knife towards her or something."

Hange chuckled. "Always the dark jokes, Y/N."

"What... what happened earlier, Hange? While I was passed out?" Y/N looked intently at her, inching her face closer to Hange's.

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