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This is probably one of my favorite chapters so far.

Just saying lmao.

Hope y'all like this the same as I do!

Third Person's Point of View

"Yeah. Erwin said no snitches so I didn't tell anybody. Can we just get over with this interview?" Y/N irritably replied and rolled her eyes, thinking that the captain is being too uptight about the whole thing.

"So why are you telling us now, huh? Tss." Levi mocked, rolling his eyes at her again.

"You're hot, that's why." Y/N used her usual persona again, throwing in a wink in an attempt to make the captain flustered but failed as usual.

Levi grumbled in response and she giggled lightly.

"A surprise attack was what I planned to do but a certain someone beat me to it. Fear is a real douchebag." Y/N said, pertaining to the emotions her squad mates must've felt while they're attacking.

For the Levi Squad, maybe they were scared of dying, losing their hopes and dreams, abandoning their families.

But for Y/N, all she feared that moment was being robbed out of that family.

She invested the time to get to know them at least, and in their first mission together, they were wiped out right in front of her eyes.

Y/N felt her heart race faster, remembering the looks her fellow members of the Levi Squad give before they died.

It looks like it hasn't sunk into her yet.

"You're a douche bag." Levi taunted, giving her a small smirk to piss her off.

He noticed a foreign expression in her eyes, like she's seeing things that they couldn't.

He almost regretted his mockery when Y/N snapped out of her haze herself without the need of others to get her out of it.

"At least I didn't get myself injured while trying to play hero." Y/N teased back and Levi groaned in irritation.

Still, he knows she's just trying to play everything off as a joke, and take everything all too lightly.

He doesn't know what she have seen while he was not around, but he knew it's something horrifying.

But at the same time, Y/N is the bitchiest person anyone can meet.

If something so simple as mockery like that is said to her face, it wouldn't faze her even a bit.

Levi turned around one last time, eyes widening when he saw water-like substance coming out of the Female Titan's eyes as if... it was crying.


The Survey Corps settled on a clear space where everyone can take a rest for a few moments and retrieve dead bodies before heading back to Calaneth district

Eren lied unconscious on a wagon, with Mikasa watching over him in silence.

The raven haired beauty looked around and noticed the bodies of their fallen comrades being unloaded from some of the wagons and horses and she fought the urge to cry.

"Tsk, get off brat. I can do that myself." Levi said firmly, nudging Y/N with his uninjured foot who's on one knee, gently taking his boot off.

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