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Third Person's Point of View

Y/N already launched her gear but she looked around for Armin.

'Damn it! Where is he?!', she thought, her eyes scanning her surroundings.

Even with all the soldiers up in the air, she checked every group to try to find Armin but failed to do so. With a scowl, she turned back to HQ unlike the others who flew to their safety, in hopes of seeing him there.

Back in HQ, she saw Armin and Mikasa standing atop a roof and she quickly went up there. She launched her grappling hooks up with ease, her nerve calming after seeing Armin with Mikasa.

The two both have shocked expressions in their faces. Y/N expected Armin to look shocked all the time even with small struggles, but seeing Mikasa show more emotions than usual freaked the hell out of Y/N L/N.

She followed where the two are looking at and saw the once berserk Titan, out of energy and tried its best to move and escape but couldn't. It has its back crashed inside a house and the smaller Titans ate its flesh.

"Cannibalism?" Armin and Y/N said in unison.

 "That was never taught in the Academy." Y/N muttered again, her face expressionless.

Her mind tried to think of all the reasons that could happen but came out empty handed. She's an intelligent person, excelling in anything that involves combat and tactical skills.

She even knows unusual things that other people doesn't know about but why can't she come up with an explanation for THIS?

"Can he not regenerate like the others?" Armin asked to himself, his eyes focused on the Titan.

"This may sound stupid, but I was hoping he'd be the key for us. That he'd help mankind break the cycle. Turn the tide just long enough to give us a little ray of hope." Mikasa commented, being a little bit poetic and passionate.

Y/N thought she's being more vocal because of her loss, and Y/N completely understands that. Losing someone you love hurts like hell, and it'll change your whole being if you let your emotions get the best of you.

Hearing Mikasa just now sounds like Eren from their times at the Academy.

Too passionate, too hardheaded, too strong-willed, for her liking.

'At least Mika-chan isn't impulsive yet.', she thought.

"She's right." A man's voice was heard by the three. 

They all turned their heads to see Reiner standing with Berthold, Annie, and Jean.

"He's too valuable to just let die. There's too much we can learn from him. I think it's perfectly clear our priority should be to ward the scavengers off him. He's no good to us picked apart." He said firmly, Berthold and Annie listening to every word he says, giving Reiner a quiet side eye.

"Are you out of your mind? We've got a path out of this nightmare and you wanna stay?" Jean said, freaked out.

Y/N doesn't like the fact that Jean is freaking out now when he could've released those frustrations earlier. 

He really do sounds like a coward right now, who just wants to leave the area without any care of the opportunity that he might lose.

"Jean, stop losing your shit." Y/N said and glared at him, but still not in an angry way because she's holding herself back. 

She knew she couldn't get angry at Jean. She can't, because he's one of the most precious people in her life.

"Think about it. Having an Abnormal as an ally would be an incredible advantage, right? A cannon's got nothing on a Titan who likes to rip apart his own kind." Annie said, taking sides with Reiner.

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