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Third Person's Point of View

"Damn it all to Hell! Hey, are we to wait here until the tower falls and we get eaten alive? Isn't there anything we can do about it? This sucks... We'll be wiped out without even finishing our mission." Connie spoke, a cry for help, sinking on his knees.

"I want to keep fighting, too. If only I had some sort of weapon, then I could fight and die alongside them." Krista said with her eyebrows furrowed as she looked down below where a dozen of Titans fight over who can eat Nanaba and Gelgar.

Ymir faced Krista angrily, clutching the blonde by the arm to make her look at her forcefully. "You're still saying things like that, Krista? Don't you dare use their deaths. They didn't die so you'd have an excuse to get yourself killed."

"That's not... That's not what I..." Krista stuttered, trying to reply but Ymir isn't having any of it.

They've known each other for three years, Krista sure as hell wouldn't fool her.

If Krista manages to convince Ymir, then maybe their friendship didn't matter at all.

Well, that's not the case, right? Because the tall woman knows who Krista truly is.

"You're not like Connie and the Scouts! They don't want to die but you don't even care. All you want to do is die in a way that makes you seem like a hero." Ymir spit harsh truths, making Krista's orbs shake from anxiety.

"That's not..."

Knowing that Krista will keep her act no matter what happens, Ymir went over to Connie with a sigh. "Connie. Give me that knife you have."

"What? My knife?" He asked in disbelief.

What the hell would Ymir use it for anyway?

"Just hand it over." Ymir said again, exhausted and not willing to add to the conversation.

It's hard trying to converse with a stupid person.

"Fine. Here." Connie gave his knife.

Y/N looked up from her position, the one where she has her hands to her ears, stood up quickly after hearing the commotion between her best friend and Connie.

Something feels awfully suspicious about Ymir but she can't put her finger into it.

What does Y/N do best?

Lying and pretending to know nothing.

"Hey, hey! Are you trying to do a blood spray up in here? If you want to slit your throat Ymir, this isn't the place. I don't have any cleaning equipment here. Man, you're nasty." Y/N said, humoring herself even though she knows her best friend is up to no good.

"Shut up Y/N, or you might be the one who gets the slitting." Ymir smirked, her mood being totally fake.

Because to be quite honest, Ymir is in edge.

Everyone there is. But her stress is much bigger than anybody else's.

"Really?" Y/N breathed out with a challenging smile before continuing on her banter. "That's so sweet coming from you. Do it then."


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