A Lovely Night (Extra Chapter)

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An Alternate event that takes place in Chapter 9 wherein 'Who Is She?' is a musical.

Song used: A Lovely Night by Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling for the film La La Land.

(I did changed some words to make it fit though lol.)

Third Person's Point of View

"Such persistence, I'll give you that. If you want to keep on pursuing me, go ahead. But don't expect me to return the favor." The grumpy captain said as he looked back at the girl sitting next to him.

She isn't at all intimidated nor scared just like the other scouts are.

Because for some reason, she just... couldn't.

"Aye, aye, captain." Y/N replied, making a salute gesture and stared off to the distance.

Levi stared in the same direction as hers too and they stayed like that for a couple more minutes that felt like eternity.

It was peaceful, as none of them are saying anything.

It did make Levi suspicious of Y/N, as she's not speaking a word.

The sky has gotten a lot more darker and the scouts are all inside their chambers now.

Almost one by own, they lit up the oil lamps inside their rooms, the orange hues of the light being visible on the window.

As lonely as it seems, the combination of the setting sun's color mixed with the light coming from the dozens of cabins stretching out in front of Levi, it all looks breath taking.

What a shame he needs to share this beautiful view with someone so crappy. 

With one last bored look at the girl, Captain Levi stood up from the grass before walking away from Y/N.

"The sun is nearly gone... the lights are turning on... A silver shine that stretches to the field..."

Deciding that she'll hit the hay too, she stood up and trailed after the small captain.

"We've stumbled on a view... that's tailor-made for two... What a shame those two are you and me." He gave her a quick glance before putting his two hands inside his coat pockets.

"Some other girl and guy would love this swirling sky... But there's only you and I, and we've got, no shot. This could never be, you're not the type for me."

"Really?" Y/N asked under her breath with her eyebrows furrowed.

It's not that she doesn't like the fact that he doesn't like her.

But what she does hate is that he's making it seem like she's such a bad option that he can't even feel an ounce of attraction towards her.

He's basically calling her unlovable.

'Huh. That's coming from him?', she thought.

"And there's not a spark in sight. What a waste of a lovely night." Levi sighed.

Enraged from what she's been hearing from the past few seconds, she marched towards him and grabbed him by the wrist, prompting him to look at her in confusion.

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