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Third Person's Point of View

"Tch. Prioritize your health first before your raging hormones."

"Fine, old man." She said and gave her wounded palm. Levi delicately took her small hands to his.

"This is gonna hurt." He said, looking at her for approval.

"It's nothing I can't handle. Just do it. I'm not a pussy like Jean." She dismissed and laughed. She was still laughing when Levi poured the alcohol on her palm, catching her in surprise.

"Fuck! You don't waste anytime, do you?" She hissed at him, sending him daggers with her small eyes.

Levi looked at her with a smirk as he started treating her palm with alcohol, doing an occasional press of the cotton balls to her wounded palm.

"What, having fun?" Y/N asked and rolled her eyes at Levi, who's still smirking and poured another batch of the disinfectant into her wounds.

"Ouch! You fucking asshole!" She sighed and kicked him in the leg lightly. The captain didn't mind the nudge of her foot, as he's too busy with her bleeding hand.

"Just thinking how stupid you are. You wanted to spook me but you ended up the one being hurt." Levi said, smirking, and shook his head a little bit.

"Feeling cocky now, are ya? How'd you know I'm the one who lost here? You're the one treating my wounds right now, right? What if I purposely hurt myself so you would take me to the infirmary?" Y/N said proudly and smiled like it's the best thing in the world to do at the moment.

"That's stupid. Who would hurt themselves for no reason? You have no good odds that I will take you here in the infirmary." Levi said, rolling his eyes for a moment and continued on his work.

"But you're here, and I'm here. I'd say it all worked out." Y/N said and laughed whole heartedly. All of a sudden, the captain froze up. His eyes went wide, and his mind somewhere else.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" She teased but earned no response from the captain. His hold to her hand got tighter and tighter, which made Y/N worried.

"Shorty?" She asked and put her free hand to his shoulder. When her palm made contact with his shoulder, he jolted, as if he was dozing off to sleep for the past minute.

"It's nothing, brat. Here, finish it yourself." He put the medicine and the bandages in her lap and stood up, leaving the infirmary in an instant.

The door slammed the moment he went out, leaving the girl in her thoughts.

"The hell is his problem?" She muttered, and proceeded on taking care of her wounds.

After bandaging herself, she stood up to get out of the infirmary to find her friends and hang out with them. She passed by Eren Jaeger's bed and she decided to do something to him after all.

'It's not like Shorty is here.', she thought.

She took the ropes from the same place the captain got the supplies and tied Eren's feet to the poles of the bed. He's unconscious, maybe because of the medicine.

He didn't even squint his eyes. Y/N left the infirmary with a good mood, whistling to herself as she go.

She was confused, very confused. It almost seemed like they were getting along for a bit. But then he left. 

For no goddamn reason.

"What the hell am I gonna do now? I'm free for the whole day, right?" She muttered to herself, still walking around the field with no destination in mind. Her mind must be too preoccupied that he didn't realized someone tapped her on the shoulder already.

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