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Third Person's Point of View

"You made him compliment you, Y/N!" Hange cheered as she tightened her hug on Y/N, jumping up and down with the much smaller girl.

"Tss." Levi said as he crossed his arms and looked away.

"Oh? Are you blushing?~" Y/N asked. She pulled away from Hange and went to the captain's direction. She put her hands on her two pockets and leaned her face close into the man.

"What the hell are you doing, brat? Pulling something like you did last night?" He said and rolled his eyes, not backing down.

"Hm? I'm not. Why, you want me to?" The girl teased. The rest of the survey corps are confused, as to what the hell the two of them are talking about.

"Wait, 'last night'?  What is she talking about?" Hange asked curiously, already forming a smile.

'You didn't have to open the conversation. Now face the consequences, Shorty.', she looked at him mockingly with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Yes, captain. What is it you're talking about?" The raven-haired girl added. Levi glared at her, still debating if he's going to answer or not.

Erwin looked at Levi, waiting for his answer.

The man sighed. 

"I don't have the obligation to tell you, so I won't." He said and avoided the people's gaze.

"No! You have to take the responsibility for sparking my curiosity! I have to know!" Hange shouted as she blushes, the way she does whenever she gets excited over something. 

"Y/N! Tell me what it is!" She begged. The girl looked at Hange and looked back again to Levi to give him an evil smile.

'I'm going to do it.', she signaled.

Levi's glare is either signaling 'Don't you dare do it' or 'you're going to fucking regret it.'

But no one expects Y/N to do any of that. She did what Levi didn't put in the selection.

She smiled before she leaned over to Hange and whispered, "I kissed him in the forehead last night."

Hange's mouth went wide with happiness as she points to the shorter male.

"Hange? What's wrong?" Commander Erwin asked. He's not too worried, seeing Hange smiling like that.

"Y-You let that happen?!" Hange shouts and slapped her thighs in laughter. Moblit and Mike looked at her weirdly, since they still don't know what's happening.

"Tss. I didn't know she would do that." Levi said and stared the girl down. She enjoyed his reaction too much that she blew him a flying kiss.

"Y/N did what, Hange?" The commander asked again. Hange couldn't answer him as she's still busy making fun of Levi. 

"Oh, let me answer it for you, Commander Erwin. Unless... you could offer me something in return, Captain Shorty?" She asked the male if he wanted Erwin to find out. To be quite honest, he shouldn't be embarrassed about it.

'Was that blackmail that I just heard?', Levi thought to himself.

He's a grown man. But what's embarrassing is, he didn't saw it coming. He's humanity's strongest soldier, who can cut through tons of titans' napes but he didn't foretold a raven black-haired woman kiss him in the forehead.

"And what? Let you be in control? Sure, let him know." He said coldly and completely ignored everyone.

"I thought you would bargain. Okay! So, I kissed Captain Shorty in the forehead last night." She said, not being bothered by the fact that SHE kissed THE Captain Levi, the man who doesn't even smile.

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