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Third Person's Point of View

"Squads three and four, take position behind the target. Rashad is in command."

"Got it."

"Squad two will wait here. Lauda is in command."


Hange stepped forward in confidence, standing in front of the line of battle. "Let's see how long he can keep his body burning. He has to come out eventually. We wait for that moment to attack."

Everyone listened intently to her commands.

Hange Zoe is a person who's very outgoing and friendly. With her personality and demeanor, you won't even expect her to hurt a fly but when job calls, you bet she's not all bark and no bite.

"Listen up. Forget about capturing them. Kill them without hesitation."

Because when she plans an attack? You best believe she will eat you alive.

Armin's pupils expanded upon hearing those words.

Yes, Annie may have been a traitor, she may have killed hundreds of their comrades; Bertholdt and Reiner may have been lying all this time and have been manipulating them into thinking they're their friends.

But still... it hurts.

It still hurts hearing those two words from Hange.

Because those three years mattered to Armin, to the rest of their friends.

And friends? Friends don't kill each other.

"Armin and Squad One, follow me! We've got a date with the Armored Titan!" Hange screamed, jumping off the wall to lead the soldiers into battle.

Back on the wall...

Nifa protects a kneeling Historia, who's supporting an injured soldier by her lap.

"Hot!" Connie shouts as he struggled to carry another injured soldier by his back, clearly someone he saved from the heat.

"Krista! Connie! Get further back! And take care of those two injured soldiers." Nifa pleads, looking over at them. The woman was readying herself to jump off the wall but Historia intercepted. "Wait!"


The blonde looked down her lap with tears in her eyes, staring at the injured male she's holding, mind adrift to another. "Ymir can't possibly be dead yet. Please rescue her!"

"Right." Nifa responded sadly almost turning away when she heard a scream.

It was Connie.

"Where are Reiner and Bertholdt?! They don't even have their ODM gear! Please find those two and help them!" 

Down on the ground...

Eren's Titan is fighting with the Armored Titan.

Reiner dealt a blow on Eren's cheek, sending him literally flying. He knocked down dozens of trees on his fall, rolling on the ground a bunch of times like a boulder.

Reiner straightened up on his position with a confident stance, looking over to the far distance to see Eren's state.

Eren wound up on his back, his body emitting steam as his jaw stayed open and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

'You piece of shit... You big piece of shit. You were always yapping about a soldier's duty. During close combat training, were you deliberately holding back on me? You're so strong, it's ridiculous. I can't even move an inch of my body.' Eren thought. His arm shook as it tries to regenerate, forming more steam as it went but it can't, it won't form any muscle.

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