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Third Person's Point of View

It was Annie's Titan, stepping over him.

"Eren!" Armin screamed, seeing his state from outside the tunnel. He launched his omnidirectional gear to carry out the plan-- distracting Annie.

Annie saw him get away but when she turned to the other direction, there goes Mikasa too. Seeing what they had planned out, the Female Titan attempted to get Eren from the rubble as the two depart but Mikasa came back fast.

Annie caught Mikasa inside her fist, wanting to crush her, but Mikasa spun inside, cutting the Titan's flesh easily. The raven-haired woman got out safely, with lots of energy still raging inside her. "Annie! I won't let you have Eren!"

Mikasa then continued to battle with Annie. On the other hand, Armin went back to Eren's place and found him stuck. "Eren!"

The blonde landed a few feet away from the injured boy, seeing him on an unconscious state. He's laying on the ground, face down with his back trapped between a broken wall and a bunch more rocks. "Eren, I'm coming!"

Armin proceeded to pull a big stone from the pile, but had a hard time doing so. "Open your eyes!"

Something ghosted Armin's back and another set of hands pushed on the rubble from behind Armin, making him look at the person curiously. "Y-Y/N!"

"You could've just called for me, li'l bro. I could've gotten here sooner." She joked coolly with a small smile, pushing all her might like Armin does.

"You're alive!" The blonde boy shouted happily, followed by a grunt from exerting effort.

"Do I look like someone who dies in a boring way? You talk like you don't know me." Y/N winked for a second before getting on the work again to take the load off of Eren's back.

Annie looked back, only to see Armin and Y/N already on the move to help Eren escape.

'She's alive?! How?!', Annie thought.

She ran towards the two in purpose of getting to Eren but Mikasa is relentless, moving after the Titan using her gear.

The Female Titan protected her nape with one of her humungous hand as Mikasa came from behind with her blades drawn, leaving her front exposed.

Mikasa sliced through her open arm, dealing a damage. Annie broke the rooves of the buildings nearby with her sliced arm, causing a few debris to hit Mikasa, making her lose her balance.

She fell from the air and rolled on the ground a bunch of times. But when Annie saw her unmoving, the Titan left satisfied.

Three Survey Corps members rushed to the area with their bladed drawn.

"Don't let the Female Titan escape! We can't let her get away!" Their leader screamed.

From the distance, the Military Polices stationed on the road stayed still as their commander, Nile Dok, questioned what was happening buildings away from them.

"What's going on? Escort Squad! I'll hold this position! See what's happening!" He shouted to the new Military Polices members, Marlowe Freudenberg and Hitch Dreyse.

"Understood!" Marlowe waved and took off with Hitch.

"Something is up. First, there was that big explosion, and now..." Nile muttered to himself.

"Nile!" Someone called from behind.

The Military Police commander looked behind, only to see Erwin Smith out of his horse carriage with his second hand man, Captain Levi. The blonde was wearing his uniform, complete with the Survey Corps cloak while the smaller man was wearing his casual clothing, a grey long sleeved shirt with his signature cravat, black pants and shoes, and a little bit oversized black coat draped over his shoulders.

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