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Y/N L/N's Point of View

"What... the hell... are you talking about?" He muttered with knitted eyebrows as his piercing eyes sucks the soul out of my body.

"Your side chick! I know you have another girl because I heard her talk to you during our call earlier." I said defensively and tears started to form in my eyes.

His face looked worried, seeing me in this state, but I quickly wiped my tears away.

I don't want to look too weak in front of him.

"Y/N, I don't have a side chick." He pointed out and searched my face for any kind of reaction.

It's not like I'm making this stuff up.

Even if I did misheard, why did he dropped the call that quickly? He didn't even told me where he's going. Who wouldn't get worried and jump to conclusions if your boyfriend suddenly ended the call that way?

It frustrated me so much that he'll go to this extent just to make up lies to me.

I can't even look at him without even crying, it's so pathetic.

"I'm sorry... I can't deal with this right now." I said and turned to leave.

I guess I'm spending the Valentines alone.

Just like usual.

Tears filled my eyes again, the transparent liquid making my vision go blurry as I walked. I felt a hand hold me by the wrist and pulled me to a nearby alley.

I may not see clearly right now, but I know it's Levi.

His hands are one of the things that I'm most familiar with.

He let go of my wrist and I was able to use my hand freely. I brought my hand to my eyes to wipe my tears off but then I realized that Levi's coat is a little bit bigger than me to the extent that it covered my whole arm up to my hands.

Disregarding his coat, I used its sleeve to wipe the tears from my eyes.

He sighed and pulled me in for a hug while I was busy making myself comfortable, his hand placed on the back of my head.

He's so warm... warmer than this coat of his that I'm wearing.

I missed his hugs.

"I don't have a side chick, I'm not cheating, and I will never cheat on you. What were you thinking huh, brat?" He asked and pulled away from me so he could stare at my face. 

He has both of his hands on my shoulders now, and his fingers are making figure eight's on them to comfort me.

"Tell me how you came up with this conclusion of yours." He asked and tucked some stray hair from my face onto the back of my ear, his eyes going soft as he looked at me.

"W-Well... there was a girl calling for you..." I spoke out in a weak voice, not trying to meet his gaze at all. I don't want to see the reaction of his face.

I'm too scared to know that I'm wrong, but I'm more scared to know that I am right.

And these kind of thoughts just opened the damn waterworks inside my eyes.

"Uh huh." He nodded and gestured me to continue, his eyes filled with worry.

"...And then you shushed her after she spoke with you because you didn't want me to know you're with another girl." I said and played with the hem of his coat's sleeves.

He let go of my shoulders and face palmed himself, dragging his palm down to his mouth slowly.

Is he... laughing?

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