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Not everyone is Catholic and we all have different religions so this special is not for Christmas. I love all religions, and I accept it even if you don't have one :3

So for this special, it'll be the holiday we all celebrate... New years! 

This is an AU where Reiner, Berthold, and Annie are not warriors, Marco is not half- I mean dead. Ymir is a normal person (not a titan shifter) and Eren is still Eren. I want the squad to be able to celebrate without having betrayals lol.

In this AU, Levi's squad is also not dead. The 104th cadets were added in his squad because of their strength and kill count. They might be OOC here because it's a holiday special but it's made like that so it could be fun. We all know Levi will be a kill joy in stuff like this.


Third Person's Point of View

"I'm going to kill you!" Y/N shouted with a grin, scooping up a handful of snow from the ground and formed it into a ball. Grinning, she showed off her newly formed ball of snow and ran towards Sasha's direction.

"Don't you dare!" Sasha screamed, scrambling away from the girl, who's wearing her manic grin.

"I got you covered, Sasha!" Connie shouted and threw a snowball to Y/N's direction, which hit her backside. Y/N turned around to glare at Connie, her smirk still present. He is definitely her new target.

"How dare you, Connie my dear?!" Y/N shouted and ran to him at full speed. Connie ran for his life but Y/N caught up to him, the crook of her elbow coming in contact with his neck, tackling him down. They messed around the snow, with Connie trying to release Y/N's hold on his neck.

Two soldiers from the Survey Corps came into view. They went out the head quarter's building to the snowed picnic grounds where Y/N and her friends are playing around in.

It was Hange Zoe and Captain Levi.

They're both wearing their green winter coats that has the wings of freedom in the back.

"So childish." The raven black-haired man muttered in his breath, mist appearing in the air because of the cold, holiday weather. He's got his hands deep in his pocket and his expression doesn't exactly shouts festivity.

"Ease up, Levi! It's the holidays! Another year for us and the Survey Corps!" Hange cheered and patted him in the head. "Stop treating me like a kid, Shitty four eyes." Levi said and rolled his eyes.

Out of nowhere, a snowball came flying and hit Levi in the back of his head. He turned around to see Y/N standing with a mischievous grin. "Sorry not sorry, Captain Shorty!" She laughed.

So it seemed like she finally let go of the poor buzz cut boy, huh?

"This brat." He said and ran towards her. The girl's eyes widened and made a break for her life. The two ran around the picnic field of the Survey Corps.

"Who's the childish one now?" Hange said and laughed.

"Oh, Hange-san! Are you here to play?" Connie waved her over and the woman came to their direction.

"Ahhh, Ymir! Bring me down!" Krista shouts as Ymir carried her around on her back. Ymir ran around the field which makes Krista feel scared because of the added height and the fast speed.

"You all are having a good time, huh." Hange said as she looks around the cadets playing in the snow. "It's the holidays, Hange-san! You should enjoy it like us!" Sasha appeared and placed her hand on Hange's waist, leaning her head on Hange's frame.

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