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Third Person's Point of View

Y/N slowly sat up from her bed, suddenly waking herself up. She looked outside the window and saw the sky still dark, but knowing that the sun might shot up a few minutes later.

She scratched her messy hair and plopped back down on the bed, staring at the bottom of the top bed bunk she's sleeping on.

She quickly glanced on the other bed near her, seeing Petra still soundly asleep.

'Was last night a dream or just a weird hallucination?', Y/N asked herself, her eyes unblinking.

Having that kind of hallucination has never happened to her, but she knows it might be possible that maybe she's just imagining the whole thing that happened last night.

But it felt real.

A few seconds of staring into the dark open space, she facepalmed herself and sighed from her own disappointment.

"Ugh, what are you doing, Y/N? You're so impulsive." She grumbled to herself, feeling annoyed. 

What she just did was dangerous, too dangerous.

She shouldn't be making friends, that's not what she was there for. It wasn't the promise she's trying to fulfill, and yet, she keeps on straying from the path she has chosen for herself.

Keep a safe distance from everyone. Be close, but not too close.

Be attached, but not too attached because everyone dies after quite some time.

And... those people who get close to her gets killed.

"I guess I couldn't do what you told me, Mason." Y/N spoke to herself, referring to what her childhood friend whispered to her a few days ago and grumbled, knocking on her forehead a bunch of times.

After a few minutes of being too grumpy, she stood up and stretched her limbs as she walks out of the room.

She wouldn't be able to go back to sleep anyway, why not start the day early?

Y/N walked on the castle's empty halls to get to the kitchen, trying to find something to eat but came up empty handed.

"Damn, looks like I'll have to do the work then." Y/N said to herself, sighing as she takes a few aromatics from the kitchen drawer and started peeling them off so she can start on cooking for their breakfast.

While chopping the onions and garlic, she heard footsteps somewhere and turned her head to the person once the sound neared.

"Oh, L/N. You're up early." He said, appearing from the hallway.

"Yep." Y/N replied shortly and went back to her work.

"I'll go help." Eld went over to the sink and scooped some water from the bucket to clean his hands before joining Y/N on doing the kitchen work.

"Suit yourself." Y/N replied in a bored tone.

Eld went to the cupboard and took some of the flour that they'll need to make the bread. He put the dry ingredients on a bowl and started on mixing them all up.

While he's kneading the bread, he quickly glanced at Y/N who's chopping the vegetables fast with a lazy look on her face and he let out a whistle.

"Damn, you're fast. Careful or else you'll chop your fingers." Eld joked and laughed.

"I'm good with knives. Want me to show you?" Y/N shot him a bored look.

Eld didn't know if it's a threat, or a joke, but nevertheless, he nodded. Y/N spun the knife around her fingers fast and then threw it, catching it on her other hand and pointed the blade against Eld's throat.

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